Registered: 12th Jun 06
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Hiya guys as the tittle says really what is people personel prefrences i have allways had a pc and thats it only used a mac a few times. My GF is going to uni and may need to use it for work and stuff so would be good for her.
But i would be using it for the usaul (corsasport and ebay lol) also how are the games on them i have been told by the guy at the local apple centre you can get software to run 2 opp systems so ca still have windows and windows games and stuff
any help woud be great Brad
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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No point getting one if you then want to run windows on it TBH.
Ive got one, have Mac versions of MS Office so all that works fine, dont really play games on it though so no idea whats available or how good they are.
If you do want a smallish sized computer which looks good, and has a good operating system (OSX is great when you get used to it after a few weeks) then def get an iMac.
If you want windows and games then probably best going for a PC...would be cheaper too.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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PC's are better for games...
No idea why, but apparently Macs are better (or just more popular) for people who use them for music production stuff, that seems to be what all our customer want at least.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by ed
PC's are better for games...
No idea why, but apparently Macs are better (or just more popular) for people who use them for music production stuff, that seems to be what all our customer want at least.
it was basically because PowerVR systems were rock solid for music and video editing software and pound for pound, macs were more efficient at using the processing power eg: could handle more tracks during recording/playback. Plus all of the prfessional software was mac only (most of them have now been ported for windows at some point) protools, logic, final cut, adobe series etc Though i personally dont think the new intels are much cop and certainly aren't as fast as the old powerVR chip. But i can certainly say i dont have any problems using my £3K protools setup on a mac, yet my XP machine spouts errors all over the show (and thats with a fresh install) 
Back to topic, yes becuase they run intel chips you can run windows on the system, which is pretty handy but unless you're going to be doing graphics/video editing or music production then i dont think you'll really get the most out of a mac/osx. Though they do work brilliantly out of the box and will give you less headaches than a windows system
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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if you want something similar to the Imac but with windows on look into the LA series Vaio machines, a customer of ours specifically asked for these at his new head office as he wanted everything to look good, but they aren't anything terribly impressive. pound for pound you could get a very nicely spec'd tower for the same price
does anyone know of any reason why OSX couldn't be used if the drive was partitioned? as personally i've only ever put Linux on a partitioned drive
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by andy1868
does anyone know of any reason why OSX couldn't be used if the drive was partitioned? as personally i've only ever put Linux on a partitioned drive
you talking about running OSX on x86 systems? it's possible but theres a lot of ifs and buts with hardware, as OSX was originally only designed to run on a limited range of hardware. OSx86 Project is one of the main dev sites and is worth checking out
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
User status: Offline
thanks for the tip
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by andy1868
thanks for the tip
the "special" shop will have OSX iso's and ISO's that are already patched etc