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Author Corsa mission *new pics*

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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21st Sep 07 at 18:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I said i'd put a thread up when all was finished but the jobs nearly done now so decided i'd put pics up etc then finish it off next week

So i started out with a white corsa b 2.0 like so...

Anyway, ended up having an argument with a safety barrier on a motorway sliproad and lost out! After this the car was repaired by myself with a new rack, front suspension, and got it jigged, even with all this work carried out to a good standard the car just never felt the same since, the panels, bumper etc don't line up and the passenger side wheel doesn't site in the middle of the arch.

I was going to sell it but then realised it was worth a lot more to me (fun) than the sort of money I was looking for so decided to get a new shell, I ended up picking up an exact same car as the white one but with a blown 1.2 in it (belt snapped). It looked like this...

Other than the fade to pink and crappy looking arch trims/bumpers it was a steal at £140! not a spot of rust on it and only 1 dent in the front bumper, first thing i did was give the bodywork a bit of attention which made it look like this...

Anyway a week or 2 later it was time to gut the white one, so everything was stripped off of it, pics of the process and the horror find....

The chassis rail decided to fall to bits on my mates driveway niiice.

While all this was going on i started taking daily deliveries of all sorts of extra goodies that i just couldn't resist buying as follows....

Monaco S seats with cobra frames

OMP 3" harnesses

Alloy battery tray for putting the battery in the rear, rear strut brace, new omp steering wheel of which i have no pics just yet!

I also made a trip to milton keynes to pick up a set of cav gsi wheels (cheers leon) after many hours of battling M25 and M1 traffic i got them from leon who was really patient waiting for me even though he had to be off somewhere anyway, top bloke though, thanks again. I actually have no pics of them as they were before but i'm sure you've all seen standard gsi wheels before in silver, they had nackered tyres on so i got them taken off then had them powdercoated anthracite, have just picked them up and they look like this....

The finish on them is superb, i'm really happy with them, I'm going to get them fitted with my new set of yokohama parada spec 2's tomorrow.

So all left to do is wire up the engine properly, get all my extra bits in there, seats harnesses, wheels etc. Put on my spax suspension setup, get all my powerflex bushes pressed in (full set) fit the 288mm brake setup (cav v6 calipers) fit the rear beam, we figured taking the rear beam totally off and swapping it over was the easy option as it has discs fitted. Got a set of braided hoses going on there too.

Give the engine a full set of new fluids and filters and it should be set to go!

Actually seems a lot more to do when i list it out like that

Will keep this updated....


PS. sorry for the crap quality phone pics and not very many of them, brief description etc but its better than nothing ey haha.

Oops forgot pics of it so far in the new one....

[Edited on 21-09-2007 by Robbbbb]

[Edited on 29-09-2007 by Robbbbb]

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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22nd Sep 07 at 16:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Received the strut brace this morning.

Also picked the new rubber up so got the rims wrapped up!

Decided i'd freshen up the centre caps a bit too, thought i'd keep them silver as i think it looks pretty cool with the anthracite rims

Rubbed them down..


Sprayed and laquered..

I think it looks pretty smart actually, not to everybodys taste i'd imagine but im weird

Thats all for today.


Registered: 12th Mar 01
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22nd Sep 07 at 16:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Looking good m8 , but would deffo do the centre caps same as wheels imo.

Registered: 30th Dec 06
Location: manchester, sale
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23rd Sep 07 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nice chassis i thought mine was bad.

good progress though pal.

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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29th Sep 07 at 11:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

OK so the hard work has been done and it currently stands like this...

Very pleased with it so far, drives perfectly, actually a hell of a lot better than the old one chassis wise (not surprisingly).

All i need to do now really is get my new steering wheel in there, get the buckets and harnesses in when the sub frames eventually turn up, 1 month its been now! cobra plain 3" round backbox needs to go on to replace the awful weird shaped thing on there currently. Tracking needs setting up then a damn good clean inside and out! but i'm sure i'll find other things to do while i'm at.

Oh yeh, when im happy with it as it stands, i will order the cage and have my mate weld it in for me, then it's time for some serious engine mods .


PS. bit high at the front in them pics because i just had it up on axle stands and they havn't settled yet, usually the same as the back -40mm

[Edited on 29-09-2007 by Robbbbb]

Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Tamworth,staffordshire Drives: rover coupe
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29th Sep 07 at 12:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nice project,get the centre caps colour coded and slam it.riding on stilts atm

Registered: 16th Jun 05
Location: Leeds (Ilkley)
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29th Sep 07 at 17:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not loving the centre caps mate, but rest looks like a gd start
Ste L

Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
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29th Sep 07 at 17:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

center cap's dont look right..

get a spare gsi rim, and paint that up, and use it as your spare, will look better than the shitty steelie in the boot

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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30th Sep 07 at 08:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh theres more to come don't worry

The spare is going! The caps will get colour coded eventually, when i've totally stripped the interior to put the new seats in it will get a good red spray throughout to clear up all the crap.

Actually while i'm on it, i guess any decent bodyshop that sells paint can match my wheel colour and supply me with a spray to do them? because i've no idea what exact colour the wheels were done, they were powdercoated.


[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Robbbbb]

Registered: 30th Dec 06
Location: manchester, sale
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30th Sep 07 at 10:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cumin on nicely

Registered: 25th Oct 06
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30th Sep 07 at 11:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

do u not have to do any welding on a corsa B when doing a C20xe conversion?

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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30th Sep 07 at 19:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you don't HAVE to (unlike a nova i believe) but i did have the red shell fully welded up while the engine bay was empty yeh, worthwhile i'd say
Ste L

Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
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30th Sep 07 at 19:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you dont have too on a nova - i never did mine, and it got abused, and was fine

even though people recommend

[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Ste L]

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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14th Oct 07 at 18:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fitted seats/harnesses and gave it a bit of general tlc, just waiting for my new steering column to get the omp wheel on there.......

Happy with it so far!
John G

Registered: 18th Jul 05
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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14th Oct 07 at 20:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

out od interest why did you get 195/50/15??

they just look wrong with that much rubber.

also get my centre caps sprayed black

Registered: 31st Jan 07
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire
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15th Oct 07 at 07:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John G
out od interest why did you get 195/50/15??

they just look wrong with that much rubber.

also get my centre caps sprayed black

Tried and tested both tyre sizes, on track the 45's do feel a bit better but on the road they are a bit more 'skitish' than 50's and seem to bounce around the road too much as our roads aren't exactly top notch! And as i'm going for function over form it doesnt bother me, lets face it if i wanted something to look pretty i wouldn't of bought a corsa lol, also what do you mean 'your' centre caps?!

Registered: 14th Oct 07
Location: Purley, Greater London
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15th Oct 07 at 10:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nice project mate well played

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