Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » White P reg Corsa Merit AUTOMATIC

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Author White P reg Corsa Merit AUTOMATIC

Registered: 25th May 04
Location: Near Sunderland
User status: Offline
30th Sep 07 at 17:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

for sale i have my gran's Vauxhall Corsa Merit, 1.4 Auto. the car has only covered 54000 miles and has only been owned by 2 old ladies.

The car was first registered on 25/10/1996 and my gran has owned the car since 19/02/2000. This car has been regularly serviced and looked after for the same garage for the last 7 and a half years.

the car seems to be mechanically perfect and is completely standard. I drove the car back from Hull to Sunderland and it was perfect...for some reason there is even a sport button on the gear stick. doesnt make too much difference, but still gives a bit of a kick to it.

The bad bits...
The car is 11 years old so the paintwork isnt 'as new'. There are a few a couple of little blemishes on it and a dent on the bonnet. On the bonnet there is a dent where my gran misjudged her garage. The paint has been attempted to be touched up, but is not great. The bonnet still opens fine and there is nothing else affected. There is a couple of little chips that have turned orange with rust, but no blistering and no other marks on the paint.

The car is located between Sunderland and Durham and is available for viewing on an evening or weekend.

Similar cars are on auotrader for over £1000, or 800 for higher miles. there are pics available. email for pics.

£800 ono

Registered: 25th May 04
Location: Near Sunderland
User status: Offline
30th Sep 07 at 19:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » White P reg Corsa Merit AUTOMATIC 24 database queries in 0.0103810 seconds