Registered: 30th Dec 06
Location: manchester, sale
User status: Offline
right well
just fitted piller pod holder with voltage gauge and oil pressure gauge.
wired them in voltage gauge works great and oil pressure went up to 6.5 bar. but it wasnt wired into the sendor yet was just checking weather it worked. thought it just went upto that ramdomly with it not being wired into the sendor.....
so then fitted sendor wired the correct wire to the sendor fired it up, gues what it went stright to 6.5 bar and then creept upto 7 'which is as high as it goes' and oil light is on.
its as though the sendor is working the oposite away around.
can any1 help.
'i wired the to lives for the 2 gauges into the same terminal same for the grounds'
any help advice is welcome
[Edited on 22-10-2007 by sam13]
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Spalding, Lincs
User status: Offline
without nothing connected mine goes of the guage
but connected to the sendor i would have thought it would drop down?
have you tried it with the engine running?
if not sounds like the wire is earthing out somewhere
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
double check the wiring, change around terminals etc.
Registered: 30th Dec 06
Location: manchester, sale
User status: Offline
right problem is sorted found poor conection thanks for replys though guys