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I've just sat and read it all, and thought it was worth sharing.
5th post down on page 3 is the one which makes you think the most, and all of his replies after that.
Don't slag the bloke off here, even if he didn't have to serve the full sentence, it's clear that there's more to it than just prison time...
Just read the post and take in what he has to say, I'm sure it'll change a lot of people's driving styles.
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piston heads isn't loading for me?
copy and paste robin?
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It's 14 pages long, can't do that
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he seems very honest, even though he has done wrong, he faces up to it !
very good read robin
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I remember reading the original thread shortly after the accident happened.
Does show how easily things can be turned upside down. I urge anyone who is unable to read it to register for this purpose alone and spend some time doing so. It will affect you.
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even just reading the pages robin said sets your mind in motion ! i have a freind who is going down for a car accident, we dont real talk about it as everyone seems to ask him the same bloody questions over and over.
its a real hard topic to deal/talk about. the PH thread is a really good read though
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makes you think.
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Shows how something like that can happen so quickly; But you never think it will happen to you.
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I think if theres an advert for keeping 'sprited' driving to trackdays, that's it.
He clearly didn't think he was driving beyond what he was capable of, which is something we've all done, but it just takes a little loss of traction and that's it, 2 lives are changed forever.
I wouldn't have the balls to post a story like that, I have huge respect for someone who does that just to show others what not to do.
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I respect the people on that forum too, they seem to understand his perspective on the events. I imagine that there will be plenty of people flaming him on here soon enough though.
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Read up to page 4.
Ive had a few mates do time, most of them said it wasnt that bad.
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i think its the way he has posted the story also,
they guy knows how to write
its right enough though how a split second bad decision can effect people
i mean, has any1 here every lost the car on a bend? wet round-about?
just imagine if there was a biker there at that second, your life could be a lot different now
I'm currently on a 6months ban for 'spirited driving' at 3.30am
now i think that if someone had come out of a junction or some other devine intervention with my speedling could have easily caused death
i for one will not be speeding again, im learning my lesson,
and i agree with most people on PH I have massive respect for the guy
Registered: 4th Apr 05
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that realli is chilling. The pictures just make it more real.
I have the up most respect for any one who tells a story like that
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quote: Originally posted by ShEp
i mean, has any1 here every lost the car on a bend? wet round-about?
Not on a bend, but when something jumped out in front of me I ended up on the other side of the road, up the curb, sideways.
If there was a car/biker/pram coming the other way, I would have gone through it.
Shit me up big time and I've been so much more careful since.
The fact that his story could happen to anyone, I think is what makes it have more impact.
Everyone on here will have gone a little fast around a corner, got out the other side and thought "that was too fast", it only takes that time for the car to break away from you.
I definitely won't be driving like a moron on the road again.
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im agreeing with some comment,
i think a shortened version of his expierience should be published in ALL modifying/car/bike magazines
maybe wake up a few people
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
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Incredible thread. Such a touching story.
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bri_the_fly said:
Vesuvius 996 said:
bri_the_fly said:
Zod said:
The big problem with a short prison sentence for many of us would be the effect on our careers. Prison doesn't look good on a professional CV.
CV? means economize on the truth.... I always lie when anyone asks about criminal records. F*** 'em they ain't gonna check unless it is really high security jobs etc.
You do realise that getting a job by lying is a criminal offence, don't you?
see number 11) in my story above. How many people in the world lie to get a job?
I see it like this. I prefer to forget bad episodes of my life. Maybe that forgetting is actually permenant!
If a cop ever asks 'have you ever been in trouble with the police before' and you say 'yes', you know for sure there will be more questions to come, lots of them and they'll use that against the current situation. Likewise tick the 'no' box and it's easier not to furnish the details (and bring all those memories of being a bad lad back).
Is there a picture on my myspace profile with a bag of swag and crim written on it? Don't think so. Is someone really going to trawl through all the text and put 2 and 2 together and tell my employers....don't think so either.
That was the "moral" of my prison story, that it made no real difference to my 'crime' and my life-at the time. Yeah, it made me think a lot, and probably made me a better person now, and learn a few 'tricks' .
I can't remember the last time I felt such complete and utter contempt for an individual as I do for you. If you think you're a better person now, I can only wonder what the "before" picture looked like"!
On the one hand, we have someone on here with an exceptionally sobering story of his time in prison for something which wasn't ever an intentional act.
Then, on the other hand, we have you.... If your story is to be believed, you seem pretty proud of the fact that you ignored all your fines and went to jail as a result, coming out showing no remorse and actually being chuffed that you've made a few quid out of the experience!!!
Then, just to make it worse, we get on to the part about lying on your job applications about having a criminal record.
Just at this moment, I am really, really struggling to come up with a reason not to send a quick email to the HR department of Ford of Australia asking whether Brian Williams, one of their Design Engineers (and let's face it, you're hardly hiding your information, are you) declared his criminal record when he applied to work there, along with a link to this thread and your PH profile?
While we're at it, maybe we could take it a step further? Seeing as you're English and working in Australia, I assume you need a visa? Did you tell the truth about being jailed for habitual non-payment of fines on that application I wonder?
OK, so Ford might only sack you for lying on a job application or - as I suspect may well be the case - if you are lying to appear interesting, sack you for bringing the company into disrepute. If you're telling the truth about prison but lied about it on your visa application, I can't help thinking the Aus police would take a far more serious view on it.
Then again, I'd rather not see Australia kick you out, as quite frankly, I have absolutely no desire to share a country with vermin like you.
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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i no it doesnt come anywhere close but, i lost my car down to some one else's driving fualt. i was lucky it was only me in the car and i managed to keep the car on four wheels after impact with the keb @ 80 mph.
these thing can happen so easy, and so quickly ! if i had my son in the car i doubt i would of been doing 60 mph and it would'nt of happened.
but i cant use my son as an excuse. i should of been doing 70 which was the national speed limit. the + 10 lost me my car, hobbie and lots money.
Registered: 29th Oct 06
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really touching that, got a lot of respect as I bet he thought he'd get a lot of stick and abuse for that.
and yes I have lost it on a wet roundabout once. It changed how I drive now
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He also raises an excellent point regarding witness evidence. The standard of driving immediately before the accident is what shapes the testimony. If you're going to have witnesses, make sure they have a good opinion of your driving.
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
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Did you read the news story? 
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I read everything including his comments on the testimony of the Mondeo driver.
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Cheers Robin great link - I have posted it on AOC as well.
The news story puts another side to the story but if you read all the comments before that its easy to see that he is remorsefull.
Either way the lesson is that things can so easierly go wrong and we all have done silly things on the road in the past.
Well worth reading all the way through.
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Insightful read. Certainly convenient to my events of the night.