Registered: 17th Mar 07
Location: Preston
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basically i need a name of a part... quite urgently
on your window ther is the attchment that has the little ball on it, this pops into a "slider" (about 1-2" long) that slots into the frame of the window mechanism, basically one of these sliders has snapped and my window is just balanced in place at the minute, as when iever i press the window to go down it falls to the bottom of the door!
so does any one know the name of this part and wer i can get it from...
sorry for the crude wording but i have no idea what this part is called!
cheers in advance
Registered: 17th Mar 07
Location: Preston
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Richie B
Registered: 18th Apr 04
Location: Newcastle
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May be easier and cheaper to find a door in a scrappy and either buy the full door, and pull what you need out at home, or strip it out of the door in the scrappy. Won't cost you much that way.
Registered: 17th Mar 07
Location: Preston
User status: Offline
True but the scrappy round here is a twat and wont let u go rummaging, they take it off for u and then charge u labour aswell, twats!
Registered: 17th Dec 07
Location: chester
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these always snap in the cold its called a window runner just explane to vauxhals what it is as they have the diagrams on there pc. to fit it back on get it in the mettle channel thats on the window wind the mech up till it lines up get some pliers on both sides and pop it back on.
Registered: 17th Mar 07
Location: Preston
User status: Offline
cheers jams
i knew how to fit it as its come out a fe times before on my corsa and even on my dads cav, jsut was too thick to think of the word runner ! lol
jsut spoke to a mate of mine at vauxhall and he says i need the whole "regulator" surely this aint right ?
Registered: 17th Dec 07
Location: chester
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nah tell him to g-f mate go down to you local rac auto windscreens or auto glass and ask if they have one if not got the scrapy and let it fall in your pocket
Registered: 28th May 06
Location: Preston, Lancs. Drives: Astra SRI turbo.
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quote: Originally posted by Dave_I
cheers jams
i knew how to fit it as its come out a fe times before on my corsa and even on my dads cav, jsut was too thick to think of the word runner ! lol
jsut spoke to a mate of mine at vauxhall and he says i need the whole "regulator" surely this aint right ?
nah, i said i cudnt get u the little seperate bits, they only supply the whole thing from my work! 
Registered: 22nd Jul 07
Location: Cardiff
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is it electric or manual?
Registered: 17th Mar 07
Location: Preston
User status: Offline
andy - got the vauxhall parts list on cd here,, u can get it