Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
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But with a sort of Pro's & Cons type content?
Just thinking ahead for my car & whats going to go in it. There's plenty of toys to go for, but how neccesary are they? What benefits they give? & what are the cons?
Removing fuel tank & replacing with alloy tank
Pro's - Weight saving
Cons - Weight distribution, they are mounted higher etc
Or pros/cons of removing/fitting front ARB
Im sure people like Mr Broster or Mr Kindness could have a lot of input
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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good idea matt, just requires a bit of effort doing it, also not all the same pros and and cons relate to diffrent cars
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Some sort of guide to terms used & names given to things, explanation of stuff like over steer, understeer etc etc would be good to maintain for people with little knowledge but an intrest like myself!
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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good idea on that colin will look into that asap, as thats easier to do, and generic
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Caster, Camber, Toe blah blah, expressions used when explaining setup..................stuff newbs might not get & might find surfacing a bit.
Quick insight into will keep the wheels from falling off & kind of give a means of refference.
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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Useful picture then? This is most of my dissertation 
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Could just work like tutorials on CS. If anyone has anything to add then send it to Admin to be accepted.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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yeah certianly, i'll speak to Ian, but start writing one tommrow anyway
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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I think Ian was planning a Wiki?
You could have a "car setup" wiki and a "how to tackle this track" wiki too, so you know when to turn in etc...
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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everyone has a different approach to tracks.... and to an extent car setups (granted ballpark figures help)
No1 on the list should read....
DECENT suspension - 300 coilovers are not good!!! 
There are a lot of things that i would do differently, but as always like everything in life.... its mostly down to budget.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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at the coilover bit
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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I dunno much about tracks, cars or how the internet works so im not going to pretend I do, just a basis of an idea though im sure its been thought of already, and you guys will build on & make something superb. An idiots guide
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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Yeah, I know that Adam, but a corner by corner track 'guide' would be cool all the same, one of our customers has one, it's awesome, makes a great read
Registered: 16th Mar 08
Location: Reading, UK
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corner by corner would be great, but even a guide to how each track works would be brilliant. where you go to check in facilities and the like. I've done enough now to know that each is different and until you know where you're going and what you're doing it can turn into chaos pretty quickly
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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quote: Originally posted by AK
DECENT suspension - 300 coilovers are not good!!! 
Would you call these any good Adam?
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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quote: Originally posted by MGM
corner by corner would be great, but even a guide to how each track works would be brilliant. where you go to check in facilities and the like. I've done enough now to know that each is different and until you know where you're going and what you're doing it can turn into chaos pretty quickly
Good shout.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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Like the Dunlop circuit guides.....
I have Donny National at home..... I suppose it does give you hints on braking points, turn in points etc..... can be usefull once your at a decent enough level to know where/what/when etc.
We had a look at them after our wee testday at donnington. Fee and I had very different lines through craners. I, ofcourse, said mine was correct but they infact were bascially both of the recommened lines.
Reading up is all fair and well, but going out with an istructor will help about 500% more
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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yeh perhaps the wiki guides for tracks need to be aimed at type of car / made clear what car it was done for.
like a FWD car will probably take a slightly different line or driving style than a RWD car on a track.
Registered: 16th Mar 08
Location: Reading, UK
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quote: Originally posted by tom_simes
quote: Originally posted by AK
DECENT suspension - 300 coilovers are not good!!! 
Would you call these any good Adam?
the type of coil-over is only half of it, they must be setup properly to get full benefit.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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quote: Originally posted by tom_simes
quote: Originally posted by AK
DECENT suspension - 300 coilovers are not good!!! 
Would you call these any good Adam?
look decent enough, but never tried them.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I would love a Wiki for CS and WR.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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The only problem with a wiki is that it is maintained by users... this can be good in some ways, but bad in others...
Has it's pro's and con's... but at what point is a wiki fact, or opinion?
for example, someone's opinion that one setup is better than another or one track guide is better than another person's
Where as people believe wiki's to be like an encyclopedia...
... but then if you only let regulated people post wikis or only what is led to be believed fact added, then who's to say they or that is correct and someone else is wrong.
It's a good idea, something I said to jr a while ago, would be good - i.e. have a whole load of info, potentially away from the actual forum structure and more on a website basis.
So people can look up detail on any track etc.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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and often fact can be wrong - i.e. written down on paper officially is not true or not applicable.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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It wouldn't be anything more than opinion if one person wrote it. At least if its a Wiki it can be corrected and added to without much administrative overhead. The current CS Tutorials and FAQ section is a nightmare - very dated because editing it a one-man job.
Organic is the answer. The other issues like accuracy and judgement you would need to keep a handle on but these are secondary to how useful the entire arrangement is.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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You ever used Wikipedia?
I've changed things in the past and then other people have changed them back. Now who's to say I was wrong?
As it was I was drunkenly trying to claim I was the inventor of Toast, but still 
Will be interesting to see how it goes, but definately a cool idea.