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Author Dream Team help/advice! Help!

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st May 08 at 09:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok so............ i've been doing the official premier league fantasy dream team all season in my works league and recently joind the CS league (im 4th).
The problem is i was first in my works league up until few weeks back and i forgot to do transfers, so now im 2nd behind my boss who is 30 pts ahead of me. I haven't used my wildcard all season (i only found out about it yesterday) so i can make as many transfers as i like and not pay any point deductions.
I obviously only have 2 games left to make 30 points over him, its not a big task if i pick the right players and captain and try to differ my players to his. Only thing is he has his wildcard still to and now knows about it, so he will probablly be using his.

So i need to pick some players who aren't neccesarily amazing in the top teams, i need to pick players who will pick me up some points on clean sheets or maybe a cheeky goal etc. Looking at upcoming fixtures I can see Villa and Blackburn players being a good choice as they have 2 relatively easy last games and both chasing higher positions in the table.
If i use my wildcard this week i obviously cant next week and can make transfers but have to pay pts which i don't want to do. So i need a team that will be versatile over the 2 weeks.

This may seem sad but i want to win, as i'll never hear the end of it if i don't. (I did brag at the start how i was the best and would win )

My team now as it stands is:

Fabregas (C)

Kenwyn Jones

Now if i pick a first team that will be full of guaranteed players i can just pick really cheap subs to make some money to use on other players.
I already have Barry and Bentley so i'll keep them in as they could bag alot of points, my boss has Barry but not Bentley. (He has Young and Laursen tho)

I was thinking James out Friedel in (for clean sheet) and Santa Cruz upfront (they have Derby this weekend)

Just need to think of some other possible changes.

Anyone got any suggestions, if your in the CS dream team league then you can check my team etc in the CS league i'm 4th, called Adam.

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