Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa GSI Rep 2 Ltr Redtop Conversion '99' *Updated*18/06

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Author Corsa GSI Rep 2 Ltr Redtop Conversion '99' *Updated*18/06

Registered: 4th Nov 07
User status: Offline
16th Jun 08 at 14:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

CAR is in N.Ireland but I will deliver to the Boat if there is Genuine Interest.

More Pictures are available on request from Genuine Buyers.

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Now on piston heads with Calibra leathers and updated pics comin people a day trip will lift this wee motor, still a 1ltr in the Tax Books.

2200 no offers Tax DEC 08 Tested NOV 08 83,000 on the Car

This car was bought last year for the woman but due to new baby developments the car is now being sold.

i have had this car fully resprayed and tax and tested in the last 4 months, the car looks really well this car has been given a heart transplant and is now a lively redtop corsa.

i have put a mountain of money into this car and has had everything needed put into it, the car will come with an alarm which is still in the box as i have not got around to getting it fitted and comes with the older sport interior which ii think is the nicer interior out of all the interiors for these wee cars, also 16" speedlines with all brand new tyres and a spare in the boot.

car still needs some minor detailing to complete, i.E alarm fitted and any other extra's that the new owner wants to add to the car.

U2U if there is any interest in this motor.

[Edited on 18-06-2008 by J77aca]

[Edited on 18-06-2008 by J77aca]

[Edited on 21-06-2008 by J77aca]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa GSI Rep 2 Ltr Redtop Conversion '99' *Updated*18/06 24 database queries in 0.0106301 seconds