Adam C
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Im considering getting some cesaro's for the turbo, which currently has V6 Brakes up front, I have seen on here that 15" Cesaro Alloys would fit over but would be a tight fit.
But some people have said I shouldn't do it as the brakes would run too close to the rim but I don't see why this would be a problem if they don't touch.
Anyone able to lend some advice?
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cesaros fit but depends on where the weights go for balancing i beleive
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Loadsa room
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Naff all room:

With a little grinder action, et voila:

I have had those on since March this year, and have had no problems at all with them being so close to the rim.
Only thing to remember is that wheel weights have to be the clip on type on the rim, not the stick on type as there is no room for them at all.
I am using Vectra V6 callipers, but have heard that Cally and Cavvy callipers are slightly smaller, hence the picture above.
Registered: 14th Aug 06
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Can you get away with stick on weights with the cally/cav V6 brakes then?
Vaux Lad
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quote: Originally posted by Simon_16v
Can you get away with stick on weights with the cally/cav V6 brakes then?
I had to remove mine lol
Registered: 14th Aug 06
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Are yours deffo cally/cav breaks? Il go for redtop ones as those weights that go on the lip will ruin my powdercoat on the alloys
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
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just though i'd put a pic up of my standard sport calipers (plenty of room )

ive just bought bigger brakes, so i will be putting those on soon
Registered: 14th May 08
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i had to put steel weights on the outside due to having NO room at all! can't even poke my screwdriver through in the gap
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
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bet it looked mad tho
can you fit 308mm behind 16" alloys??
Registered: 14th May 08
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quote: Originally posted by gez c16b
bet it looked mad tho
can you fit 308mm behind 16" alloys??
gez bay
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Registered: 8th Oct 08
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Very tight squeeze, but looks cool as fuck! Ive got V6 stoppers under my tigra 5 spokes and theres about 3mm between the rim and the caliper