Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » corsa sri , full year m.o.t. !!!!

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Author corsa sri , full year m.o.t. !!!!

Registered: 23rd Jun 08
Location: Scunthorpe
User status: Offline
24th Jun 08 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Here is a well looked after corsa sri 8v model. has a full years m.o.t and 3 months tax. it is a very reliable car and starts first time every time.
calibra turbo front calipers with new discs an pads
recently had 4 new tyres (195/50/15)
new front shockers (nova gsi)
full new stainless exhaust with 3.5inch outward roll and life time guarentee
has been d-baged and d-locked using cavalier rear door handles
lowered on 60mm nova springs and shocks
seats are in good condition , no usual rips on bolsters (could do with a clean though)
recently had oil and filter change, coolent change
had new headgasket, head bolts, belt, thermostat, water pump, head skimmed and pressure tested with invoice to prove half way through last year.
15 inch O.Z wheels in graphite grey.
pipercross airfilter.
corsa GSI steering wheel.
sony head unit and pioneer 6x9's.
has remote central locking and alarm imobiliser.
tidy condition for the age and milage of the car.
does have a few old m.o.t. certificates and old recipts for parts.
144,000 miles engine is quiet even when cold and first started and runs very well and pulls smooth.
usual SRI trim wind up windows and SRI spoiler ETC...........

bad points (every car has them)
car park dints and scratches
small patch of rust above each wing and on the boot
imobiliser cuts in when driving and the hazzard lights flash but there is a button to press to stop this (pictured) only does it within the first 5mins of starting and running the car
with the car being lowered its quite harsh when driving over bumps in the road
bonnet has been keyed but has been touched up and can hardly tell.
between 1000rpm to 3000rpm there is a grinding sound which is the alternator , it has not got any worse in the 7 months i have owned the car , it sounds similar to a cam belt tensioner , the alternator still works perfectly fine .
sometimes the throttle pedal goes stiff
i am being has honest as possible , the car is sold as seen
this car has never let me down and has being very reliable ,i will be sad to see it go

looking for around £900. but i am open to any offers also swaps or px (either way) , any questions feel free to ask
thanks alot

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