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Author What suppliments do people take then??
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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5th Aug 08 at 09:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Going to rejoin tonight. Right its been a while since i went to the gym. I can sort of remember the things i used to do there but can't if you know what i mean.

I used to train one body part a day but since its been a while i can't remember what to do as in amount of reps or what to use. Anybody help? Or am i better telling the people at the gym and they will show me and guide me.

Also do gyms give you a work out plan sort of thing??

Any help would be great.

[Edited on 05-08-2008 by Iain M]

[Edited on 12-08-2008 by Iain M]

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5th Aug 08 at 11:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if you want to build muscle low reps heavy weights

tone and definition high reps light weights

dont over train biceps like most people do.

Tommy L

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5th Aug 08 at 11:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As for sets/reps, i do 4 sets of 8 reps. Building up the weights after each set and finish on the max i can do or nearly do.

I do the same by training a certain part each time. Try go every other day or 3/4 times a week

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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5th Aug 08 at 11:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I go every other day.

Chest and biceps one day
Back and shoulders the next
Legs is thrid day but as theres not enough to do I also do day one again.

I do 3 sets of 10 for the weights I'm doing and start with heaviest to lightest.

Warm up 10 minutes on treadmill. Usually cover 2k. Warm down on treadmill too covering another 2k.

Occasionally add 2 sets of 500m on rower depending on how tired I am!

Started using a vibrating Reebok stepper too (Forget its real name!) menat to strengthen muscles, plus its good for injuries.
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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5th Aug 08 at 12:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers fella's.

On that website with all the different things you can do am i right thinking you just choose a few for each body part that you want to train?

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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5th Aug 08 at 16:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Chest and Biceps I do:

3 sets 10 bar bell (Biceps)
3 sets dumb bells (Chest)
3 sets on pectoral press (Chest primarily)
3 sets MTS Row (Biceps)

Back and Shoulders I do:

3 sets 10 dumb bells
3 sets 10 Lateral Pulldown
6 sets (3 for each movement) Cable Crossover
3 sets MTS Row (As it also does back)

I always start and end the session with 10 min (2k) on treadmill. Occasionally switch for bike depending on if I've played football.

No specific leg day, its usually done on on my 3rd gym visit of the week along with the above.

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5th Aug 08 at 16:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Iain M
Cheers fella's.

On that website with all the different things you can do am i right thinking you just choose a few for each body part that you want to train?

yes correct , pick certain excercises then after say 6-8 weeks change them so your body gets a shock, try to keep machine/assisted weights to a minimal free weights if your looking to build muscle.
what are your goals ?

Registered: 15th Apr 06
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5th Aug 08 at 18:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

best site out there at the moment imo is everything you will ever want to know on there Iain.
Iv just got into it at a proper gym and love it!

im trying to do it properly though, workout plan/diet/suppliments etc.

My week is cut into 3 days(sometimes 4), 1 day on and 1 day off for recovery(critical you have recovery days as its half of actualy gaining muscle etc)

My week plan is -

Monday - Arms and Chest
(recovery day)
Wednesday - Abs and Cardio
(recovery day)
Friday - Shoulders and back
(recovery day)

then if i want to, sunday - cardio

I do 3 sets on each machine/free weights etc

1st set - 10reps
15-20secs rest
2nd set - 8reps
15-20secs rest
3rd set - 6reps

If i feel i can i go 12reps-10reps-8reps etc and also add extra weight for the last set if i feel its not straining me with the current weight.

Iv only recently started though and keep learning new ways to improve things etc.
if your unsure and its a decent gym, ask about, if im ever stuck with anything at my gym i just ask the bodybuilders.

[Edited on 05-08-2008 by J4M13]

[Edited on 05-08-2008 by J4M13]

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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5th Aug 08 at 18:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I need to start doing abs, only thing I do is sit ups so need to try a few things.

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5th Aug 08 at 19:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Abs is what i had trouble with at first going to the gym, i had to ask other guys there which machines would be beneficial for abs as the machines for abs wernt as straight forward as, this machine does arm's/this one does legs etc etc.

When doing sit-ups on an angled bench i tend to hold some weight(about 20kg) as im doing them aswell.

i still dont know the names of any of the machines etc just know how to use them

[Edited on 05-08-2008 by J4M13]

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5th Aug 08 at 19:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Going to try a kneeling cable crunch when I go next. Seen a few people do it but never thought to do it myself.

Registered: 15th Apr 06
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5th Aug 08 at 19:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

on that site i posted about theres a section with a diagram of all the muscles tc and you click each on and it shows all exercises(machines/cables/barbels etc) you can do to work those certain muscles, really cant reccomend the site enough.

heres the exercises link
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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5th Aug 08 at 21:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ljames555
Originally posted by Iain M
Cheers fella's.

On that website with all the different things you can do am i right thinking you just choose a few for each body part that you want to train?

yes correct , pick certain excercises then after say 6-8 weeks change them so your body gets a shock, try to keep machine/assisted weights to a minimal free weights if your looking to build muscle.
what are your goals ?

Well first i want to get rid of excess shit i am carry on my stomach so proper eating plan is being done and then tone up what i have and then build on that really. Always wanted to get back into it and been lazy so i have bit the bullet and joined.

Get shown round on sat and a plan worked out to help me with what i want. Sort of excited really.

Registered: 15th Apr 06
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5th Aug 08 at 21:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you will love it Iain once you get into it, i love going and cant wait for the next time i go there

Registered: 30th Jun 08
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6th Aug 08 at 15:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So how do you tone your abs?

The gym instructor who did my plan told me to do leg lifts. holding onto a bar behind me and lifting my legs straight into the air and back down again and not touching the floor...

What else can i do because sit ups dont seem to be doing anything

Registered: 15th Apr 06
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6th Aug 08 at 16:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Have a look at some of these exercises Charlotte.

do you have acess to machines at the gym that work the abs?
is it just an everyday leisure centre gym you go to? as alot of everyday fitness gym's iv seen dont have a good selection of machines etc for working certain muscles/body parts.

Registered: 30th Jun 08
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7th Aug 08 at 09:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its a gym and fitness... there are loads of machines.
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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12th Aug 08 at 10:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

First session last night got my programme worked out for what days to do what body parts i want to train.

So gonna start proper tonight me thinks. What suppliments do people take??

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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12th Aug 08 at 10:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Iain M
First session last night got my programme worked out for what days to do what body parts i want to train.

So gonna start proper tonight me thinks. What suppliments do people take??

Forget about supplements.

Thats the thing nowadays, people who only just started training jump straight into "supplements" and think its a miracle cure.

Train hard, eat properly and wait until you start slowing down in gains, then think of supplements. The only one you should take daily is a multi vitamin or 2, and possibly some whey, but for the first month i wouldn't even bother.

People jump in the deep end to quickly nowadays and wonder why they fail. Why use up all your resources at the start, will be harder when you hit a wall/plateu then!

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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12th Aug 08 at 10:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I got very similar advice to the above

Train hard, allow your body to recover, sleep, eat clean - focus on these for the first 4-6 weeks

I got to week 5 and started taking unflavoured Whey with milk in the morning when I get up and water as soon as I leave the gym

Just focus on your routine now and research possible supplements

Dont whatever you do take something because your mate said it "works for him"
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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12th Aug 08 at 12:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So no suppliments for the first 4 weeks, right got that. Does this include like protein shakes one in a morn and one before i go to bed??

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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12th Aug 08 at 12:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was advised to not take anything full stop

I started taking whey shakes at about week 5

By no means is this the right or wrong way, was just my choice.

Read up and research - is a good place to start

As for lifting and techniques check out
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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12th Aug 08 at 12:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah got the lifting techniques sorted cheers. Will have a look on that site when get home. Cheers mate.

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12th Aug 08 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd suggest reading MuscleTalk and and ask any questions on there really, as your asking for trouble on forums like these, alot of people who think they know what they're talking about (but don't).

Then again it can happen on those sites too, just look for advice from people who look mature and been around a while, moderators etc too.
Iain M

Registered: 18th Aug 05
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12th Aug 08 at 13:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yep no worries. There is no harm in asking tho.

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