Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Not a car but a bike =p suzuki rm 125 2001

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Author Not a car but a bike =p suzuki rm 125 2001

Registered: 20th Aug 08
User status: Offline
21st Aug 08 at 13:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

up for sale,

i might not get much luck but its worth a try.

basically im selling up to fund a new car. didnt want to sell as i was hoping i could sell my current car in order to buy a new 1.

Its a suzuki rm 125,

MINT condition for a motocross bike, its recently undergone a top end rebuild

top end bearing,piston and rings, all the bushes have been replaced in the swing arm so there no un-neccesary play. i service the bike myself every 2 outings and only use the best oils and lubricants.
the bike has never been raced and is completly standard apart from the renthal handle bars.never raced only used on local mx tracks.

VERY reliable bike, starts first time every time without fail,

i have advertised elsewhere but i need this gone asap so trying to get in on as many sites and newspapers i can.

very cheap at only £900.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Not a car but a bike =p suzuki rm 125 2001 24 database queries in 0.0121689 seconds