Registered: 15th Jul 02
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Have been thinking about this for a while cos im now doing a lot of miles for work and do Heathrow to Manchester, Newcastle, East Mids...
Thought it would bea good discussion 
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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Old people that do 25 on a 60 road.
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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Old people without a doubt! Fucking coffin dodgers
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
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Foreigners driving down the wrong side of a duel carrigeway!
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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HGV's that insist of overtaking on a motorway when there doing 1mph more than the lorry infront.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Taxi drivers think they own the road.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Truck drivers who try to overtake, even though they are both doing the same speed.
People who sit in the middle lane.
People who sit in the outside lane.
People who concentrate too much on putting their hazards on when coming to slow moving traffic. Don't they remember what brake lights are for?
People who drive too close to the car in front causing traffic jams.
People on their phones while driving.
People eating their lunch while driving swerving all over the place.
The truck driver I saw who was reading a book while driving along the M6.
People who drive into the wall at my parents house
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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I notice there are no 17-23(or whatever the upper age is) there, that as much as we all like to protest are the ones that are statisticly by far the most dangerous.
People who don't understand basic rules of the road are the worst for me, ie stay left and no idea how to work a roundabout.
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by ed
People who sit in the middle lane.
People who sit in the outside lane.
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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Older people or fucking tourists who sit at 30/40 on a 60mph B road.
IMO, they cause people to get frustrated sitting behind them, then will try to pass in stupid places to get by the old dears causing accidents!
Thats how I see it, take the old people off the road, be less accidents 
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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People that do half the speed limit
People who think the middle lane always leaves every junction on a roundabout 
People who dont know the roads, so drive half the speed limit hogging 2 lanes and dont indicate where they are going
People on the phone
People who dont indicate
People that overtake you if your already doing speed limit +........if they can only overtake you and get stuck behind what your stuck behind......overtake in very slow moving traffic
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by John
I notice there are no 17-23(or whatever the upper age is) there, that as much as we all like to protest are the ones that are statisticly by far the most dangerous.
People who don't understand basic rules of the road are the worst for me, ie stay left and no idea how to work a roundabout.
Think it's 17-25. Well, at least when you get to 25 you're no longer classed as a young driver so your insurance gets a lot cheaper.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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I recently had a read at roadcraft, the police drivers training manual, a lot of the stats surprised me.
Most people who crash believe it's not their fault so instead of learning from it they go on to crash again within the next couple of years for instance.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I don't find that hard the believe at all. I would hazard a guess that it's mostly men in the 17-25 age group who do that too.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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They got the blame for quite a lot so probably
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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Motorcyclists. I shouldn't have to look 7 times each way at a t junction incase someone comes along the high street at 73mph in a leather jumpsuit.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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i hate people who sit in the middle laneof the motorway at 65-70. the amount of people i had to call a wanker the other week coming back down the m6 was beyond a joke.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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People that think
People that overtake you if your already doing speed limit
Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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i open admit to hogging the middle lane.. even if there is nothing on the inside lane
always seem to do it. i cant help it
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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quote: Originally posted by John
People that think
People that overtake you if your already doing speed limit

Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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people who dont understand the rules of the road. Like the maniac who chased me for 5miles because he thought he didnt have to stop for traffic coming from the right, he nearly went in the back/side of me then swore flashed his lights and tailgated me for 5miles before giving up.
Also the nutter that caused me to swerve violently and spin when deciding to round the roundabout in the left lane. Thats happened more than once too.
People who dont signal then turn left from a right hand lane.
People who dont obey lane disciplin i.e when going round a 2/3 lane roundabout just driving all over.
People who stop when a lane merges.
People who flash you when you safely overtake them doing 20 in a 60limit
Drink/drug drivers
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Tamworth,staffordshire Drives: rover coupe
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theres a few
sunday drivers in mid week
diesel drivers/sales reps (golf gttdi/audi a3's etc etc)
people who dont signal (mainly bmw's)
taxi's can be badgers too 
[Edited on 16-09-2008 by little_duke]
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
Motorcyclists. I shouldn't have to look 7 times each way at a t junction incase someone comes along the high street at 73mph in a leather jumpsuit.
That's just bait for Daimo B to come along and tell you that it's ok for motorcycle riders to do what they like, no matter what you or the law say.
[Edited on 16-09-2008 by ed]
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
i agree with robin.
Want to not get hit when cars turn right? Keep a safe distance behind allowing time to stop. Also stay in the middle of the road not their blind spot.