Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Astra Sport 1.8, White N-Reg

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Author Astra Sport 1.8, White N-Reg

Registered: 1st Nov 03
Location: North London
User status: Offline
3rd Oct 08 at 19:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok i need to sell my Astra as i just dont have the time to get the minors sorted. took it for an MOT and it needed the handbrake sorting, manifold gasket and new brakes up front.

quite minor things however one of the bolts snapped when i put a new manifold gasket in, I did install a brand new set of Genunine discs and pads up front which have covered 0 miles

Engine runs well and the car comes with a sportex boxsta backbox that cant have covered more then 500 miles, the interior is in very good condition and the body i would say is 9/10 with only one spot of surface rust on one rear arch

will post up more pics on request, the car is not taxed or MOT but would require very little to pass and be back on the road

£350 and am flexible for anyone willing to come down and make an offer, these are getting rarer now and this is a very good example if not just to re-shell a rotten gsi

some random shots, although will not come with those front rear lights although a price can be negotiated, the wheels come with good toyo tyres all round with 50% tread and the grill was being debagded and meshed just needs putting back toegther (i sprayed the slam panel black its not a replacement)

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Astra Sport 1.8, White N-Reg 24 database queries in 0.0100939 seconds