Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 1.4 i 1995 corsa sri £1000 buy or trade for smaller corsa

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Author 1.4 i 1995 corsa sri £1000 buy or trade for smaller corsa

Registered: 20th Oct 08
Location: Plymouth, Devon
User status: Offline
24th Nov 08 at 21:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tying to get rid of my brothers sri before christmas as the insurance is to expensive and because hes 17 and in the army it dosent justify paying the insurance so i want to find a smaller car for him so if any one would like to buy the price is £1000 ono or trade for a tidy smaller corsa we bought it needing alot doing to it and we have spent about nearly £500 having it welded and strengthened lots of new bits in the engine its a great car its also got a Gsi body kit, black bk alloys and has a 12 month mot 12 months tax the car is carabic blue and i would have it if i did not already have a corsa project of my own and i cant justify having two corsas il put some pics up soon anyone interested

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 1.4 i 1995 corsa sri £1000 buy or trade for smaller corsa 24 database queries in 0.0076869 seconds