Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » n reg corsa sri 2.0 litre 16v for sale

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Author n reg corsa sri 2.0 litre 16v for sale

Registered: 28th Apr 08
Location: gateshead
User status: Offline
19th Jan 09 at 18:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as tiltle i have a a corsa sri with a 2.0 litre 16v red top engine fitted. is still down on the books as a 1.4 16v.
many will no the car as gordie alexs old 1. since i have owned the car i have fitted a new petrol tank new rear axle as they snapped a bolt in it that holds the shocker in place so i replaced it with a new 1. have set the coil overs up and raised it as it was far to low. fitted a full stainless exhaust system with a 4 inch outer rolled tip back box. as the old exhaust was made by gypsies. has had a new manifold gasket and bolts. a second hand radiator as the old 1 was cracked. the car is clean and tidy for its age, although it does have a few dints but nothing major.

good points

tax and tested
fk coil overs
power steering( replaced 1 of the pipes as it had burnt threw on the manifold. now secure and dont hit the manifold and steering works fine
drilled and grooved disks with 2.0 litre valver calipers
interior is spotless no rips tears or any thing
cavalier gsi wheels painted black
corsa gsi bumper fitted with splitter and fogs fitted although drivers side is smashed
full stainless steel exhaust
2.0 litre 16v red top engine fitted
lmf conversion kit used for the conversion
innx bonnet lifters m3 styled wing mirrows
momo mellenium evo steering wheel not fitted tho
scorpion alarm fitted both thobs and keys are on hand
loads of others just a few i can remember

as with all cars this age it does have a few bad points nothing major tho

the standard steering wheel has a bit play( moves up and down) that down to it having a after market wheel fitted and the standard 1 been put bk on. as mention i do have a after market wheel that will go with the car just needs a boss kit
front brakes need bleeding up will do this before the car sells. do work tho
could do with a new engine harness as the air flow meter wires have been cut. car still drives fine tho just brings the engine managment light on. can get a harness for who ever buys the car.
engine managment light on threw the above stated
few dints here and there nothing major
needs a kick trim fitted as the ecu is on display.
will need a passenger tyre fitted as it on the limit
good probally do with a new alternator belt as it squeaks till warm

if any other info is needed feel free to ask. can come view the car and test drive it as well if you need.
mobile number is 07999005623
£ 1200 any resonable offer will be taken.
the number plate on the front is off my other corsa it now has the propa plate to the car on
i have pics of car just dont know how to up load them on here. so i can email them if you leave address cheers


[Edited on 23-01-2009 by youngyakabarney]

[Edited on 23-01-2009 by youngyakabarney]

[Edited on 23-01-2009 by youngyakabarney]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » n reg corsa sri 2.0 litre 16v for sale 24 database queries in 0.0117118 seconds