Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » un-finnished project

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Author un-finnished project

Registered: 20th Jan 08
Location: west yorkshire
User status: Offline
24th Jan 09 at 17:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

iv just been and bought a new car today so saddly the corsa has to go. i would have loved to keep it and spend a bit more money to make it first class but the wedding must come first
97 - r 1.6 corsa sport, mot till december, tax till may.
10 month old re-condition engine with mildly ported and polished head, engine still has 2 month warranty! milage on car is 126,000 this engine has only done 10,000 mile in ten month since it was fitted.
fully re-built front end, every bush and ball joint as well as bottom arms ect has been changed over the last year.
chris astly motorsport chasis strenthening kit welded in while engine was been changed
fast road clutch
janspeed fully adjustable coilovers
15in team dynamic pro race alloys with not a mark on them
full service twice in last ten month, plus 2 oil n filter changes while engine was been run in
walker motorsport back box - performance box but without the silly annoying loud noise.
i have recipts for just about everything its had since i got it totaling well over 3 grand
now the bad bit, and what i havnt finnished. when i got the car there was a few bits of minor rust and the badges ect were tatty so i gave it a rub down and removed the badges and door strips and gave it a bit of primer, however i didnt get around to painting it before the weather turned crap so its been sat in primer over winter, the bits in primer need a rub down and fresh coat of primer before painting.
bonnet needs partly doing, both front wings, both doors and rear quarters upto window hight and the boot, could all be done easily with cans but it would look better with a full coat of paint all over

£1000, open to offers

located in hemsworth, south/west yorkshire border. any questions give me a ring, 07763841567

[Edited on 24-01-2009 by binner]

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