Registered: 2nd Jan 07
Location: Liverpool
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ill be doing my thory and test soon, im in no rush but was just after some advice on what bike to get, im not the kind to jump on and give limiter death as ideally id like to be alive a bit longer but id like something that i wont get bored of within a few months, something with a bit of go. dont worry about the 33bhp restriction as im 21 soon anyhow so not really an issue. just after recommendations? and good sites to get some gear from aswell (helmet, leathers etc)
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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VFR400 is a good bike to have for a first bike. Quick, light and cheap. Make a great noise too with a decent exhaust.
They're not too powerful for a first bike either.
The NC30 looks better than the NC24 and has some improvements over it too, jr will probably be able to list all of them.
Registered: 31st Dec 07
Location: Leicestershire
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i say get a 400, you wont get bored with it in a few months if your a noob on a bike!
ebay is good for gear tbh
Registered: 14th Nov 04
Location: St Helens
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When are you 21?
The new test is supposedly coming in on the 30th march this year, See if you can get in before then. Just done mine and on the lookout for a bike.
Ideally id go for a Hornet 600 or a Bandit 600
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Derby
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This is my first big bike, had an Aprilia RS125 for a year and did my DAS on a Honda CB600!
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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I'd skip the whole four hundreds now, apart from the later ZXR400's most are getting on abit and it's getting harder and harder to find a decent NC30, CBR etc..
A nice bandit, hornet or CBR600F is an ideal first bike. Will get you use to the weight and power of a big bike without all the cost of a modern sports. Plenty of spare parts for all, cheaper insurance etc..
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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depends what you use it for
fit of fun cant beat a supermoto (buy mine)
or if going longer distances, a 400 or 600 like a bandit (again like mine! )
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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drz 400 supermoto , go marriots in birkenhead think they have got 2 in . real fun bikes not over the top either
Registered: 29th Jul 06
Location: Stevenage
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Get the last of the proper and best fazer 600cc on a 03 plate about the best all round bike even now.
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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I had a VFR400 NC30 as my first bike, restricted to 33bhp. Still a whole lot of fun and handles amazing. However I had no end of trouble with it, those bikes are like 20 years old now so it's to be expected.
I was riding it day in day out whatever the weather mind you.