Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » White sport Project.. 56K Mot and Tax

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Author White sport Project.. 56K Mot and Tax

Registered: 27th Nov 07
Location: North Wales
User status: Offline
   10th Feb 09 at 10:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

For sale is my rare White V-reg Corsa Sport x16xe project.

It needs a little work to bring back to its former glory.

Included in the sale is

Corsa sport shell 56k V-reg,
Mint sport interiour,
56k engine with Fan belt snaped. Small fix,
Another 65k engine with new cambelt,head gasket,valves e.c.t Spare engine. Runs very smooth out of a v reg corsa.
4-1 Ashley exhaust manifold.
Irmcher front splitter (rare)
11 months MOT and 5 months tax.
Comes with astra wheels in white.

Need fixing- Needs new door as there its bent slightly, but i have a spare door with car. Idealy needs new bonnet because this is also slightly bent. Fan belt needs replacing and tensioner.

Thease are the bad bits, but with the car for the right money i can offer a gsi kit in very good condition just needs painting. Includes bumpers front and back and side skirts. Also could sell with the car a new Janspeed 4-2-1 manifold and a stainless magnex de-cat also brand new!.. Also got a omp cage for sale if enyone is intrested in makeing this a rally car.

Just needs a little work,but its a very good base for a project. I was planing on giving it a blow over in the body shop and put the other engine in. But i have ran out of time and reacently bought a 106 gti so this has to go..

Pric wise looking for offers really.. Just the car and spare engine,gsi bumpers and 4-1 manifold would like around £550 Bargain as its just cost me 200 to tax and it flew through MOT with no advisoryes.

But would sell with janspeed and de cat for around £650. But open to offers!.

Good opirtunaty for sumone to make a nice car. Drives nice,cluch and gearbox in good condition. Will need trailouring away because of snaped fanbelt. Located in Bala North Wales. u2u me for info.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » White sport Project.. 56K Mot and Tax 24 database queries in 0.0101972 seconds