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Author Selling 580EX II and buying 24-70/105 L

Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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26th Feb 09 at 02:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I got it for a wicked price for my 580EX II and although I didn't need it I knew I wouldn't get one in as-new condition for the price I did, but now it's just sitting here. It's so confusing and I've just played with the settings for 4 hours and I'm still baffled. I just don't think I'll use it and I think I should sell it and put it towards my new lens

If you managed to get a to-of-the-range flash gun for a decent price, would you keep it and force yourself to learn and use it or flog it and make a profit?

I know it's only me who can decide and it's dependant on each individual person but I'm looking for other views really. In a way I really want it as I'd love to get into night club photography but then I think of the money I could get back for it I just can't see it being worth that figure to me for the amount I use it... Which in fairness, is barely ever (at the moment). I've learn quite a bit about flash photography since buying it, but it's an endless pit. I off-camera equiptment and possibly an L bracket, as well as other gear and it's really just opening up another kettle of fish and I think it's too much hassle for the results really. It's nice to have the option of different photography, such as zoom, macro, flash and so on but I think I'd sooner chuck my money into one direction as there's no-way I'd be able to afford the best gear for all different types of photography.

I think my main aim is motor sport photography, as well as 'general' walkabout photography and stuff you can achieve without a flash. I intend to learn as much as I can and then flog my 450D and buy a better body when I have more cash (been out of work for months so it's difficult for me).

I think I'd sooner sell the following gear and buy a 24-105mm. How much do you reckon I should list them for?

580EX II (in as-new condition with the original box and every accessory, also in mint condition)
50mm f/1.8 II (in as-new condition with the original box and every accessory, also in mint condition)
18-55mm f/3.5-5.5 IS Kit Lens (mint condition, still with the original packaging but no box as it was bundled with the 450D)

Regarding the new lens, I think I've narrowed it down to the 24-70mm L and the 24-105mm L.

24-70mm L
Faster (f/2.8)
No Image Stabilization
Shorter Zoom
£940 (ish)

24-105mm L
Slower (f/4.0)
Image Stabilization
Longer Zoom
£800 (ish)

What would you go for and why, and is there any other lenses that I should consider? I'm after a lens to replace the kit lens basically -- more zoom would be nice and I'm generally just after a high quality lens so I can just upgrade the camera body in the future. I'm told the EF-S 17-55mm is superb but it's also near £800 and I wouldn't be able to use this with a 5D/1D due to it not being EF. I'd like an L lens just for the quality and tart-factor. I know people say the new 450D/1000D IS kit lens a lot better quality than the 400D non-IS kit lens but a bit more zoom would be nice and like I said, I'd like to replace it so I can upgrade to a better body at a later date.

So, what would you do and why? Like I said, I'm aware that it's all down to what I shoot and what I want to achieve, but I'd like to know what you would do to help me decide in case there's anything I've forgotten. Would you prefer an extra aperture stop or IS? I tried shooting at 55mm today without IS and it's quite tricky at slightly slower shutter speeds so I think I'm leaning towards the 24-105mm.

Cheers guys...

EDIT: I've also considered buying a Canon EF 2x Converter to turn my 70-200mm L into 140-400mm -- I know it takes a click or two of aperture away but I'd probably only use it in decent light anyway. What's your opinions on those? Has anyone got one?

[Edited on 26-02-2009 by xa0s]

Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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26th Feb 09 at 08:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Be careful with the 2x extender - image quality plummets on certian lenses - they're best suited to the 300mm L and 400mm L as they were designed around these, lots of others suffer when you stick a 2x on top. The 1.6x is much, much better.

Also, whats the max aperture on the 70-200? If its F4, which I suspect it is, then you may loose autofocus on the 2x converter as the max aperture is forced to drop below F5.6 which the camera uses to autofocus.

What other lenses have you got, or is it just the kit body and lens?

Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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26th Feb 09 at 09:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I only have the kit lens, 50mm f/1.8 II and the 70-200mm f/4.0 L IS... Really want to drop the first two and get an L lens. Cheers for the advice with the extender -- it was merely an idea...

Registered: 28th Sep 03
Location: Kent
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26th Feb 09 at 17:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how much are you selling the flash for? I could do with another one!

Also, I would go with the 24-70mm as you don't really need anymore focal length for walk about stuff

Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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26th Feb 09 at 17:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how much did you pick the flash up for?

Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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26th Feb 09 at 18:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by R1CH
how much are you selling the flash for? I could do with another one!

Not sure, I was just gunna eBay it as I've seem a few finish 2nd hand for £300 there.

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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26th Feb 09 at 23:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i bought my 580 for £270 new. id say around £220 - £250.

[Edited on 26-02-2009 by gsiIan]

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