Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » For swap: 1995 Corsa B and c20xe w/F20 (70k miles). Long MOT.

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Author For swap: 1995 Corsa B and c20xe w/F20 (70k miles). Long MOT.

Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
26th Feb 09 at 21:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

For swap is my Corsa B, it's flame red. It has colour coded bumpers and arches, and a gsi spoiler. It also has a punto rear wiper and red/black bucket seats.

It has 6x9s in a stealth shelf, and pioneer aftermarket door speakers.

At the minute it has a 1.2 8v engine in it with a recent cam belt swap, water pump, air filter, oil and filter change, and spark plugs. That was in the last 5k miles.

But I also have a c20xe from a Cav SRI with 70k miles on it, with a Corsa engine mount, F20 box, corsa gear linkage etc. Pretty much everything there for a redtop conversion bar the driveshafts, CVs and a couple of little bits.

Swap for an already converted redtop or 1.6 u2u me or email at

there's loads of photos and info about the car at

Base price of £900 but it's for swap, base price is to keep moderators happy bunnies.


[Edited on 26-02-2009 by Gazdaman]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » For swap: 1995 Corsa B and c20xe w/F20 (70k miles). Long MOT. 24 database queries in 0.0102642 seconds