Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 03 plate BLACK SXI corsa £3000 SXI

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Author 03 plate BLACK SXI corsa £3000 SXI

Registered: 6th Mar 09
Location: kirkby in ashfield
User status: Offline
6th Mar 09 at 16:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this car has just short of 52,000 miles on the clock and has been owned by myself since 4 years ago, selling due to getting a larger engiene car!

few minor faults are:

light behind the mileage clock thingy (that tell you how many you've done) is on its way out, you can still see it obviously thats how i know how many miles its done!

the connectors that enable the parcel shelf to move up and down are broken, this has caused no major problems to me, and boot still works fine with shelf in-situ

there is a barely visable dent to the top part of the drivers door. this is from when a cyclist hit the car, it has not damaged the paint work and you have to look close to see it

car was serviced last month and has tax until the end of jan 2010, MOT is due in July this year.

any questions please email me, im happy to answer anything :
please put corsa in the subject box so i dont just delete the email!

i will add my phone number on after i have my new car

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 03 plate BLACK SXI corsa £3000 SXI 24 database queries in 0.0346222 seconds