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Author Gym Peeps - Flatter Gut Wanted

Registered: 23rd Mar 03
Location: Wrexham / Shropshire Border
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11th Mar 09 at 23:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im after a flatter stomache really. With my work and current social sitiation I can only really get to the gym from Thursday to Saturdays when free. Usaully hit the cross trainer, treadmill, few weights, quick rowing, sit ups on ball

What im wanting is a flatter stomache for may bank holiday when i go away.

what do people suggest in exercsizes, machines and routines for a rapidish reduction & tone?

Registered: 7th Jul 04
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12th Mar 09 at 09:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

jump rope aka skipping will sort you out
do about 5-8, 3 minute rounds with 30 second break between.
do that on top of running, cardio etc.

Registered: 11th Apr 01
Location: Liverpool
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12th Mar 09 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The key to a flat...fat free stomach is diet...

You can do 1000 sit ups a day and not see the benefit if you eat too much crap/fat in your diet.

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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12th Mar 09 at 10:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Contrary to belife, cardio wont hit fat deposits, it just trains your cardiovascular system.

to rid fat deposits the proven best way is resistance (weight) training. Do 3 1 hours full body resistance training workouts a week. Upper and lower body exercises done in 4 sets of 12 with a 60 second rest between sets. the exercise should be completed in a 2-1-2 tempo so weight isnt essential its form you want to concerntrate on. dont be scared to use light weights if its what you feel comfortable with.

Total body workout consists of:
Upper body:
Ie vertical push (shoulder press)
vertical pull (close grip assisted pullups)
Horizontal push (bench press)
horizontal pull (seated row)

lower body:
Romanian deadlifts
walking lunges (3 sets of 20)

After that do 10 mins of HIIT on the cardio. this is where you jog for 30 seconds, sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 45 seconds and keep alternating like that. make sure when you jog its a slow jog and when you sprint your running as fast as your legs will carr you.

couple that with a good diet and you will be well away.

cut these foods out of your diet completely:
white bread

Along with all junk foods, sweets, chocolate, crisps, biscuits and fizzy drinks.

Eat any carbs before 2pm, and afterwards improvise with fruits, veg, lean meats, nuts and cottage cheese/yogurts. Diet is the main key to a flat stomach, if you want to burn fat reduce your CARB not your fat intake.

Junk food like pizzas, burgers and chinese can be eaten on weekends only and as early as possible, the later you eat it the more of it is stored as fat.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Sports Day » Gym Peeps - Flatter Gut Wanted 23 database queries in 0.0108840 seconds