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Author Calibra Turbo

Registered: 7th Mar 06
User status: Offline
17th Mar 09 at 13:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

FOR SALE: 1993 (L) Calibra Turbo that has covered approx. 130,000 miles. I took it off the road a couple of years ago after the TX box went and the rear arches started to show rust. I fully intended to use my good spare shell and rebuild the car using that but I had neither the time nor the interest and so it has come time for someone else to have a go. Although the car has been off the road for a while it gets frequent runouts at work (a large military airfield) to keep everything running freely. If it was taxed, insured and MOT'd it could be driven away on the road without a problem.

Mechanically, the car is sound although as previously mentioned the TX box seal has gone and hence it is running in 2WD without any issues. The cambelt, tensioners and waterpump were replaced just prior to it coming off the road and the engine is rock solid. It has never been tuned or messed with as far as I'm aware and I've owned it 5-6 years now.

As you can see from the photos below there are some problems with rust apperaing in the rear arches and on the sills. The is also a minor prang on the N/S rear arch which could be pushed out quite easily. I think some nob head kicked it. The front bumper also took a knock when the wife stuck the nose out a little to far and someone clipped it breaking the three attachments along the top and cracking the bumper itself.

The interior is pretty good with no major blemishes although the black leather driver's seat bolster has worn through as seems the norm with these. I'll get some interior photos when I have time.

This is an ideal oppotunity for someone with a little time to fix her up. Cheap but reliable, the price only reflects the cosmetic problems. These things seem to be getting quite rare now and it be a shame to see another one bite the dust. It's probably worth a lot more in parts but like the Opel Manta before them, the price seems to be creeping back up as classic status beckons. Failing that you may just want the engine and/or gearbox for a Corsa conversion...?

I'm looking for around £1300 ono

I would consider a deal if you wanted to buy my spare turbo rolling shell... It's literally an engine swap along with a few seat and it's up and running. The spare shell is in spectral blue and has no rust.

I'm located in Carterton around 16 miles west of Oxford and 18 miles north of Swindon. Email me at: with questions and offers.

[Edited on 17-03-2009 by MickM]

[Edited on 17-03-2009 by MickM]

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