Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
Hello its about time i got round to doing one of these threads i didnt even do one for my last car so ill abng a few piks up of that aswell as my lastest project,
Most of you will remeber me for these two cars. :

grey corsa was a 14 sport nova was a 14 8v sri i wanted somthing faster so bought myself a redtop corsa which after two weeks the head gasket went, as i knew nothing about the engine as it was a new car i decided to buy another and rebuild it propely and put it in....
so out with the old ....

and in with the new a few weeks and a few hundered quid later ....

old skool block and tackle off the barn roof FTW 
few weeks later after a lot of messing around to get it running sweet it was on the road 

cambelt roller gave way and bent 8 valves so thanks to turbo chris a new head was purchased and yet another brand new head gasket and cambelt kit was fitted heres a pik before it was timed up

and all abck on the road agen with my mates waynes old redtop gsi happy days 

January the 2nd 2009 a great start to the new year my corsa took a running with a vw polo 

oopsieee after spending so much time and money i was gutted to see it go only 3 weeks after getting it on the road properly but out with the old and in with the new i say ......
i got myself a nice little 1.4 sri 

to be honest i got this car fairly cheap and yes it was pink when i got it and yes the air filter is shit and yes the car is generally a bin but as was all my other cars until i started putting my touch to them 
im currently not driving the red one so its sat down the side of my house while i get it all ready for pvs (going to insure myself the week before most probs)
i started by giving the car a good polish to redden it up a little bit also gave the engine bay a damn good tidy up and fitted a few new pipes and air filter etc...

also got a brand new radiator and a metal fan to fit as im sick of the plastic ones melting on the manifold 

fitted a new back box as the old one had a hole in it and didnt sit straight also de-wipered it

my gear stick gaitor is worn to bits so after raiding the local scrappys i managed to pinch my self a new one aswell as a knob

iv also fitted a new header tank bottle and cap a new oil filler cap etc im just going to "sproose" it up a bit while iv got the time whilst its not on the road.
in the next few weeks i plan to paint up the rocker and cambelt cover unsure of colour yet, get the rad fitted and the coil etc and hopefully get it running.
As you have probs seen from the help section iv been having trouble getting it to fire up as for some reason it wont spark due to not gettin 12v to the coil after fitting the following parts:
new coil + coil amp
crank sensor
rotor arm
i still had no luck so im going to be looking further into that aswell 
anyways sorry for the massive post but ill be updating this frequently so thats where im upto enjoy 
[Edited on 24-03-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 24-03-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 06-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 09-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 10-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 22-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 22-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 28-04-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 05-05-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 09-05-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 10-05-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 13-05-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 16-05-2009 by --ToM--]
[Edited on 23-05-2009 by --ToM--]
Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
hurry up and get it on the road.
atleast your old wheels live on
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
so does my rear bumper lol! and one of the morrettes ha ha, i want my wheels back for the red one now
Registered: 11th Jan 09
Location: Neston, Cheshire
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i remember seeing the blue one in rear view mirror of the van
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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looks nice that tom ! blue one was the nuts tho
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
rear view mirror of what van? dont remember any gay vans smoking me?
cheers jamie lad im after a set of white cesaros or speedlines for it i think so if you decide to sell me yours give me a shout ha ha
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
this red ones going to be better that the blue one just watch this space
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
User status: Offline
haha yeh will do , shame you sold the speedys to mark
Registered: 10th Feb 08
Location: Eastbourne, EastSussex
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that nova is lush mate did you build it? saw it for sale on piston heads, nearly brought it
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
i know at least theyve gone to a good home i kind of owed him them anyway (LONG STORY)
john i bought the nova just after it had been painted that colour it mad mk1 bumpers etc and cesaros in silver it had literally rolled out of body shop, so apart from the the paint work evrything else was done by myself yes, spent a fair few pennies on that thing! was gutted when i had to sell it
Registered: 10th Feb 08
Location: Eastbourne, EastSussex
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shame mate is a smart looking car
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
would of kept it if it didnt get keyed, left it outside work and every pannel got keyed down to metal so thought fuck getting it sprayed again just get rid
Registered: 21st Sep 07
Location: Hindley, Wigan Drives: Like Its Stolen!
User status: Offline
looks fairly clean convertion!
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
thanks mate im going to give the red one a lot of attention around the engine bay area not just to get it running but to have it uber tidy lol
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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whens this showing its face around then tom solved the running problems your having ?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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nope still gotta get it running spot on, saving myself a load of money by not having it insured so hoping to get a few more bits 1st, still banned till next month anyway lol
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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should be nice when its done
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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Registered: 8th Aug 07
Location: Scottish Borders
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Looks good like dont know why but i liked the air feed in the side off the bumper would have looked mean the same colour as the car
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
i put it there before i had the morrettes to be honest and didnt like it but had to go ahead with it as id alreaady cut a hole in my bumper, then i got the morrettes and never got round to geting a new bumper to relocate the feed to the lights ha ha
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
update today, i got a bit bored so decided to strip the back of the car as 1. the interious is horrible and smells a bit. 2. i rarely have people in the back so dont see the point as its just more to hoover when cleaning and 3. saves weight lol and no doubt my mother will want to use it for the weekly tip runwith all her shit in lol.
so yea the back is stripped as is all the black "tar like" sticky sound deadening shite all ready to be painted flame red 
also fitted a new rad and a metal fan from a mk2 astra gte as im sick of melting plastic ones on the manifold!!
and i also got my new fuel pump relay today and fitted a few more samcos i purchased in demon theives on monday 
piks will be up soon
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
User status: Offline
sounds good tom you going to put a cage in or anything ?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
2 bucket seats 6 point cage with cross bars coil overs and a few body mods to come
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
pictures from the above update
bye bye shitty old interiour 

ready for painting red and caging up 

spent a hour chiseling this shit out of the boot ... twat of a job

scrap yard find clean header tank bottle and cap 

demon tweeks purchase hose and new rad and metal fan now wired upto a fan switch
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
rad not new but the other one was leaking so for £10 im happy for now 
iv got a bit of time off this week so if weathers good i might try find a non dented bonnet and drivers wind and a post front bumper and paint inside the boot