Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa b N reg 1.4 cdx non runner

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Author Corsa b N reg 1.4 cdx non runner

Registered: 20th Oct 08
User status: Offline
26th Mar 09 at 10:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as the title says, non runner, due to HG blowing.

has only had an MOt the week before, which it passed 1st time, only advisory was front pads.
4 ish month tax left as well.

heated seats, electric windows, etc, was a nice little car before this!
2 poss 3 very new tyres.

car is Burgundy in colour

car will need to be trailored/ towed away, as i started taking a few bits off in the engine bay to check what the issue was (inlet, battery, etc)

car was a prev a cat C where our neighbour reversed into it, i put a new boot on, and it passed the VIC check 1st time, and its subsequent MOT, so i've no idea how it was ever a cat c!!!

i do have a few pics, but cant get them uploaded, message me, and i will email them to you.

looking for £300 as i really dont want to have to break her! but will listen offers, as i do need to get it shifted now.

EDIT: car is a 5dr, and i live in Wallington surrey, cheers.

eDIT2: car had a cam belt change less than 1k ago, have the receipt to prove.

[Edited on 30-03-2009 by Dannyboy101]

[Edited on 02-04-2009 by Dannyboy101]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa b N reg 1.4 cdx non runner 24 database queries in 0.0087202 seconds