Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Im after a new phone, on contract.
I want to pay tops £30 a month and have a decent package with a decent phone.
Im looking at:
Nokia 5800
Im after a phone with decent memory, good looks, good camera, and GPS is a must. Plus decent largeish screen.
What do you all recomend? Does anyone have any experience with these phones? What sort of 'Deal' 'Package' is everyone geting?
Any other recomendations?
Im looking at a 18month contract, but there are some decent 24month contracts out there so im unsure atm!
Thanks for help in advance!
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
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htc touch hd
35 a month
unlimited texts
unlimited off peak internet
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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I got a C905 on Friday.
8.1mp camera, 8gb memory card, gps, wifi, fairly big screen.
600 min / Unlimited texts
£35 p/month o2
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
Link to the offers? Iv just started looking now.
WIFI is pretty much a must aswel, forgot to add that
Registered: 19th May 07
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quote: Originally posted by Chris Corsa B
Im after a new phone, on contract.
I want to pay tops £30 a month and have a decent package with a decent phone.
Im looking at:
Nokia 5800
Im after a phone with decent memory, good looks, good camera, and GPS is a must. Plus decent largeish screen.
What do you all recomend? Does anyone have any experience with these phones? What sort of 'Deal' 'Package' is everyone geting?
Any other recomendations?
Im looking at a 18month contract, but there are some decent 24month contracts out there so im unsure atm!
Thanks for help in advance!
Ahoy mate. I got the Touch HD about a month ago. Lovely screen but the camera is it's big let down, and video recording is very poor. I console myself with the fact that I *acquired* TomTom on it, and it works absolutely perfectly Never had a phone running Windows Mobile before, starting to get used to it though, they're so tweakable.
I'm on Orange paying £30 a month, 400 mins, unlimited txts, phone was free, for 18 months. Got it from the phones4u online. £30 back through Quidco too. Wish I had a data bundle, but Orange's data prices are through the roof!
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
I would love the HTC but think im going to go for this:
From the reviews iv read it looks like a really good phone. Works out at £20per month over 12months which I think is great! Insurance is a must aswel and thats £7 per month. So with the HTC and insurance it will push me over my budget of £30per month.
Has anyone got the Nokia 5800? All info would be great!
Thanks for help so far! 
[Edited on 30-03-2009 by Chris Corsa B]
Registered: 15th Jan 03
Location: Glasgow, Renfrewshire
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Wait till june for the N97, thats what im doing,
32gb of memory, with additional 16 can be added, dvd quality video (holds over 40 hours worth) holds over 8000 mp3s, good large screen
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Registered: 6th Aug 02
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Check Voda website, okia 5800, 600 mins, unltd text, unltd data £25
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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N97 is gonna be a brick just like the X1
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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Idou is where its at!
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Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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quote: Originally posted by TheScotsman
Wait till june for the N97, thats what im doing,
32gb of memory, with additional 16 can be added, dvd quality video (holds over 40 hours worth) holds over 8000 mp3s, good large screen
Think they will be well above my price range when they first come out.
Im likeing the look of the 5800. 12month contract and after that I will have more money once the car insurance goes down. So maybe I will be looking into the N98 or N99 then
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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havent got the 5800 but if i had to get a phone now, it would either be the iPhone or 5800
Registered: 26th Jan 09
Location: BURNLEY
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I got this on sunday - Nokia N85 on Vodaphone, unlimited txt's, unlimited internet use, 1000 minit's and insurance inluded, £35 per month, 18 month contract!