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Author Edit: Spanner in the works!! - My shitbox brown Mondeo

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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   20th May 09 at 13:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I bought an old Mondeo last year as a temporary "throw away" car, and the fucker is still running. It's actually turned out to be a pretty reliable car and although it looks like shit (even more since I took ownership), its a complete sofa

It will be making another appearance at this years PVS as I still haven't pulled my finger out and got another vaux. I hope to have it blackboard paint it before PVS so I can have a laugh with the chalk... look out for it and come leave me a message (I'll probably be on top of it asleep in my sun lounger)

Anyway, as it's cost me less than £400 to buy, run and tax so far, I thought I might treat it to a cheapo turbo conversion just to lark about and give it some more poke. Does anyone know what's needed and how much it would cost? My mate's done a few of his cars on the cheap before and he said it shouldn't be a problem. So long as it don't go over £400-500 I will give it a go. Hopefully it should see the engine pop and I could have my excuse to buy something better over summer

Edit: forgot to add, its the 20. 16v silver top Zetec engine.

Update: Well I must have tempted fate as the fucking headgaskt went on my way home from work tonight... so much for it being a reliable runaround.

[Edited on 20-05-2009 by stubs]

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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20th May 09 at 13:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No such thing as a cheap turbo conversion on a modern high compression EFi engine.

Registered: 8th Apr 02
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20th May 09 at 13:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can't beat a Ford

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20th May 09 at 13:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheap cars are mint! i have just got a vectra run around while my gsi is off the road, i swapped the vectra for a corsa 1.4 flair with a sri engine in it but it had a bent and snapped chassis that i originally swapped for a set of cav slabs with no tyres

[Edited on 20-05-2009 by lee_dodd]
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20th May 09 at 13:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
No such thing as a cheap turbo conversion on a modern high compression EFi engine.

Well, you can do it on the cheap on the Zetec, but only low boost.

You can see 200bhp on a standard engine by using a CVH Turbo manifold and T3 turbo, drilling and tapping the standard head to suit the bolt pattern.

Then you need a TD exhaust system, Escort turbo downpipe (and some welding) and some sort of method to add more fuel (5th injector is the best option, that way it'd be giving more fuel on positive boost)

You don't even need to lower the compression ratio really, it's not overly high as standard.

The other way to do it is to use a Focus RS manifold and turbo, which will bolt straight on, then use a Focus RS downpipe, Mondeo TD exhaust system and Bob's your uncle.

So there's 2, potentially 'cheap' ways of doing it.

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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20th May 09 at 13:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My uncle Bob wants to know what's involved in adding a 5th injector.

Also, where do you take your oil feed & return for the turbo? Are they water cooled too?

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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20th May 09 at 13:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You should be more concerned with the c/r and ignition timing., To be honest most 'low blow' conversion performance gains are offset by the restriction that is placed on the exhaust.

Originally posted by Robin
The other way to do it is to use a Focus RS manifold and turbo, which will bolt straight on, then use a Focus RS downpipe, Mondeo TD exhaust system and Bob's your uncle.

So there's 2, potentially 'cheap' ways of doing it.

Have you ever tried to weld cast steel?

RS manifold would work but the turbo would be far to big for standard C/R.., the waste gate would be permenantly open

You are better of spending £400 on a progressive nitrous oxide kit, you can take that from car to car!

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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20th May 09 at 13:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

TBH, I dont mind sticking a HG spacer kit on it if it's likely it would last over 3k. My mate is a welder and he's done custom manifolds for other people before, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue really.

What's these nitrous kits like? I can't help but feel I'd just get pissed off with having to re-fill all the time.

I'm not looking to make it a rocket ship.. just fancy having a silly smile on my daily commute... the one I used to get when I had my horrid Punto GT
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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20th May 09 at 14:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dave, a standard Focus RS turbo unit is a T25/60. It's not too big at all, in fact, it's pretty bang on for a 2 litre 16v Zetec engine....

What are you on about welding cast steel for?

We've done it before in exactly that way, for our old courtesy car, for a bit of a laugh, worked just fine.

Stubs, for the fifth injector you'd need a controller, some wiring and a little bit of pipe, it's not a massive job really, just needs setting up on a rolling road afterwards ideally. Have a look on google, you'll see how simple it can be.

The oil feed/return is easy too, the return needs a hole drilling into the sump and a pipe welding on to take the hose, the feed needs drilling and tapping in the same place as a Focus RS, which is simple.

Registered: 30th Jun 02
Location: Bolton
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20th May 09 at 22:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fuckin stupid car blew the headgasket on the way home from work tonight... perhaps I will think twice before tempting fate in future. Mandy is no more

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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21st May 09 at 08:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robin
Dave, a standard Focus RS turbo unit is a T25/60. It's not too big at all, in fact, it's pretty bang on for a 2 litre 16v Zetec engine....

What are you on about welding cast steel for?

Surely the oil burner turbo has a cast manifold, unless Ford were randomly feeling rather flush!

Anything is too big for for an engine with a C/R that high IMHO

I am not denying it wouldnt *work* but its more the point of how LONG it would have worked for
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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21st May 09 at 09:00   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah I see what you're saying. You use the Focus RS manifold though, the Mondeo TD exhaust system is used because it's a larger bore and flows better. the front part of it would have to be Focus stuff.

The compression ratio isn't that high, it's in the 9s. A lot of our cars (Nick from Performance Ford's is a prime example) are running a CR in the 9s (albeit with forged pistons and steel rods)

We've done it, it does work. We've also got a customer who has done the same, we fitted management to it, it's never missed a beat and he uses it every day to commute to work.

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21st May 09 at 09:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

c/r isn't that important, a good map, ignition timing and cylinder temps are critical. most turbo cars running well into the 9's. mine is 9.3/1 and has been proven too 500bhp on that c/r.

as mentioned though no such thing as a chep turbo conversion really.

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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21st May 09 at 09:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Robin you sure the 2.0 Zetec is in the 9s? Cant be many sub 10:1 c/r n/a cars built after 1992 ?

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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21st May 09 at 10:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i believe its 9.6

someplaces quote 10.2 to 10.6
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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21st May 09 at 11:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The silvertop is lower compression than the black top.

9.6:1 as opposed to 10.1:1

There's no problem with running that sort of CR with a turbo, as I say, Nick's car makes 270bhp, from a 1600 CVH, with a GT25 turbo and a high 9.something:1 CR.

With the same power but an 8:1 CR, it'd be horrible to drive, as it wouldn't be as responsive coming on boost.

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