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Author Traffic Officer - Highways Agency

Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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7th Jun 09 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What do these even do?

I was driving up the m6 yesterday when everyone slowed right down and Voila there was one these 4x4's with yellow and black chequers and two chimps wearing convict orange jumpsuits

Do they literally just monitor traffic? or can they pull you over for speeding?
Normally i just fly past without even caring, but everyone had slown down and bunched up because of this and i cant ever say ive noticed it saying "Traffic Officer" on them before

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7th Jun 09 at 12:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Registered: 9th Nov 07
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7th Jun 09 at 12:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've heard they're allowed to stop you if your car's putting you or anyone else in danger. Bumper hanging off/ dragging a barbed wire fence down the motorway etc.
Corsa Sport Gav

Registered: 12th Feb 03
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7th Jun 09 at 12:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was told they can stop you for speeding, but they then had too radio for a police officer as they dont have the rights to do you for speeing. dunno how true it is thought.

Registered: 9th Nov 07
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7th Jun 09 at 12:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa Sport Gav
i was told they can stop you for speeding, but they then had too radio for a police officer as they dont have the rights to do you for speeing. dunno how true it is thought.

I'd like to see what equipment they have to prove your speed.
Corsa Sport Gav

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7th Jun 09 at 12:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by alan-g-w
Originally posted by Corsa Sport Gav
i was told they can stop you for speeding, but they then had too radio for a police officer as they dont have the rights to do you for speeing. dunno how true it is thought.

I'd like to see what equipment they have to prove your speed.

thats exactly what i said when i was told this

Registered: 29th Aug 04
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7th Jun 09 at 12:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ther purely to save the police wasting time at stuff that doesnt need them. Things like shielding breakdowns, debris on the road etc. They have no powers to do you for speeding or that..
Steve X16XE

Registered: 31st Dec 06
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7th Jun 09 at 12:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you've got a flat tyre and are trying to change it they'll come along and ask if everything is ok..... but.... they can not help you changing the wheel over

When my Astra died on the M1 just after Meadowhell on ramp one of them stopped and asked if everything was ok. They asked if I had someone to pick the car up. Told him that a friend with a "Tow Bar" was coming. They just said that was alright and a good idea to use a tow bar and not a tow rope. They asked me for my mob number to check that I got away. A few hours later when I was back home they rang me up and asked if I made it home safe which I thought was good of them.
Steve X16XE

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7th Jun 09 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

From this website...........

Originally posted by John

"Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, we have the power to stop and direct traffic, close lanes and carriageways and manage traffic and it is an offence not to comply with our directions. This means if you fail to follow directions given by a traffic officer or as indicated by our signs you could face a fine of up to £1000 as well as possible driving licence endorsement or even disqualification."

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7th Jun 09 at 12:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve X16XE
If you've got a flat tyre and are trying to change it they'll come along and ask if everything is ok..... but.... they can not help you changing the wheel over

When my Astra died on the M1 just after Meadowhell on ramp one of them stopped and asked if everything was ok. They asked if I had someone to pick the car up. Told him that a friend with a "Tow Bar" was coming. They just said that was alright and a good idea to use a tow bar and not a tow rope. They asked me for my mob number to check that I got away. A few hours later when I was back home they rang me up and asked if I made it home safe which I thought was good of them.

I would say that's because of liabilites due to the fact that someone would sue them if a wheel fell off or they broke something.
Nic Barnes

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7th Jun 09 at 13:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as some one said above they are there to cone lanes off during accidents, be visible at the scene of a breakdown etc for safety. they have no powers to stop you for speeding. they can report you like any other regualr person can but thats it. my work is a tyre place we cover breakdowns. they often show up and slow the job right down.

if you see one, dont bother slowing down.

on a side note, the pay for that job im lead to belive is pretty damn good.

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7th Jun 09 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Nic Barnes

on a side note, the pay for that job im lead to belive is pretty damn good.

Think looking on the site its around 17k, plus something like a 20% shift allowance

Registered: 16th Apr 07
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7th Jun 09 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah I'm told it pays very well, also they're not allowed to go over 70, even if they are on their way to an emergency

Registered: 6th Jun 09
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7th Jun 09 at 13:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the highways agency do not have the power to stop speeding motorists...the police do...and only..'a police officer IN UNIFORM!! far as the H/A officers are concerned ..failing to follow their direcctions means for a simple explanation..they are directing traffic off the motorway, and you ignore them and drive through without stopping..then it's game on.
As for speeding..i never slow down for them because i dont have to in law.
Where they can give you grief is..if you blatt by at high speed they can radio up porkies and give them your index..police may wait for you up the thats how it is...dont slow down forthem cos you could CAUSE an accident and they cant do fuck all !!
Nic Barnes

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7th Jun 09 at 13:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah theyre no different to a security guard really. not above the law like the police think they are.
Nic Barnes

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7th Jun 09 at 13:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bonney66
Originally posted by Nic Barnes

on a side note, the pay for that job im lead to belive is pretty damn good.

Think looking on the site its around 17k, plus something like a 20% shift allowance

really? when i was asking a couple of them at a breakdown they were saying after passing all courses etc its 25+ a year to drive about in a 4x4.

Registered: 16th Apr 07
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7th Jun 09 at 13:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have gone past them at rates of knots and never had anything back from it

Registered: 6th Jun 09
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7th Jun 09 at 13:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

normally fat wankers sit in those 4x4's
Nic Barnes

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7th Jun 09 at 13:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if its 25k+ a year id do it happily.
Welsh Dan

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7th Jun 09 at 13:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vxr8
the highways agency do not have the power to stop speeding motorists...the police do...and only..'a police officer IN UNIFORM!! far as the H/A officers are concerned ..failing to follow their direcctions means for a simple explanation..they are directing traffic off the motorway, and you ignore them and drive through without stopping..then it's game on.
As for speeding..i never slow down for them because i dont have to in law.
Where they can give you grief is..if you blatt by at high speed they can radio up porkies and give them your index..police may wait for you up the thats how it is...dont slow down forthem cos you could CAUSE an accident and they cant do fuck all !!

Actually, a copper that isn't in uniform can stop you, but it isn't an offence if you don't stop.

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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7th Jun 09 at 13:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Was goina say that. CID etc aren't in police uniform and can still do you. Although if you fail to stop for an unmarked car, they'll just radio a marked car to stop you, or just summons you
Russ 200sx

Registered: 29th Dec 05
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7th Jun 09 at 13:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sure it wasn't VOSA and not Voila? majority of the time they pull HGV's over to check they are road worthy, tacho's, weight etc, they are always plodding around by the beginning of the m56 and buckley pulling ainly the irish wagons that have come off the ferry in holyhead and along the a55......

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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7th Jun 09 at 13:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Annoying that people slow down for them. If you feel the urge to do that, get the fuck out of the outside lane when doing it.
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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7th Jun 09 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

spoke to one of these when they were at the london motorshow last time.

they said they don't have the powers the police do but they just do the jobs that the police don't want to do i.e the pointless/boring stuff.

they can't stop you for speeding but they can radio through to a traffic police car to pursue a speeding car.

obviously they're not going to do this for anyone doing 80-90 though because mostly everyone does that speed on dual carriageways/motorways.

Registered: 21st Jun 08
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7th Jun 09 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Traffic Officer Traffic Officer Service £22,534 (this figure includes a 20% shift allowance & £1,000 additional allowance for this region) 26 June 2009 Whittlesford (M11, Junction 10)
Traffic Officer Traffic Officer Service £22,534 (this includes up to 20% shift allowance & £1,000 additional allowance for this region) 18 June 2009 Milton Common, M40, Junction 7

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