Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 96 N Corsa Premier 1.2 8v £400!! BARGAIN! 11 Months MOT 5 Months TAX

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Author 96 N Corsa Premier 1.2 8v £400!! BARGAIN! 11 Months MOT 5 Months TAX

Registered: 25th Feb 09
Location: Offerton, Greater Manchester
User status: Offline
   19th Jun 09 at 19:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

FOR SALE is my corsa premier that i bought in January to learn to drive in, ive now got my test in 3 weeks so im looking for either a 1.8 astra sport/sri or a 1.4 corsa sport, i took it for its MOT about 2 months early as a mate was supposed to be buying it but hes since lost his job so for obvious reasons cant afford it. It has just turned 78000 miles but its barely done anything in the time i have owned it, as it was literally just for me to learn to drive. ive serviced it myself, i have given it an oil and filter change, changed the plugs, replace the air filter and fuel filter. It failed its MOT on a rear wheel bearing, headlight alignment and a flexi brake hose. all of which were replaced and it now has 12 Months MOT, and i Have just put 6 months TAX on it last friday.

It is virtually standard other than a sport interior, mint except the drivers bolster has worn right through. errrm, Fusion powerplant 6x9s a FLi 400w amp, infinity reference components and an Xplod HU. i would like to take all the ICE out and put it back to standard but if the right ofer is made it will be included, it is on 13" steelys two of the tyres will need replacing soonish but they passed an MOT without being advised? the only advisory was frnt brake pads 2.5mm thick. but not an expensive job anyway. the bodywork isnt in mint condition as after all it is 13 years old and it has had a life and not been garaged every day and polished every weekend! there is a dint in the drivers side rear quater, passenger side door and bootlid.

So overall a mechanically sound 1.2 8v corsa with 78000 miles, a few dints here and there, and it has had a very light front end bump at some point which has broke the drivers side headlight bracket but it is still correctly alligned, the only things it may need in the near future are, front pads £10?, 2 tyres £25 each, and possibly tracking.

Lets talk money... £595 standard with no speakers.

will email pics out on request, and you can text my mobile 07517439134 Thanks a lot Jake.


Location: Stockport

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 96 N Corsa Premier 1.2 8v £400!! BARGAIN! 11 Months MOT 5 Months TAX 24 database queries in 0.0109479 seconds