Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa Sport 1.6 R reg SMOKING EXHAUST

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Author Corsa Sport 1.6 R reg SMOKING EXHAUST

Registered: 9th Jul 03
Location: Grays, Essex
User status: Offline
8th Oct 09 at 20:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi all I just put my corsa on eBay and thought id post it here to see what anyone thinks its worth and to promote it a bit more!. Thanks in advance for any advice or interest.

Heres my listing

Black Vauxhall Corsa Sport 1.6
R Reg 1998 Plate
64k Mileage
Genuine Vauxhall Sport Alloys

After owning this car for over 3 Years I had a problem with the car running (oil temperature was really high and was losing water, power cutting out and nearly stalling with lots of smoke coming out the exhaust) I researched it and got a couple of mechanics opinions and eventually decided it was the cylinder head and head gasket I had these replaced as well as the cam belt/starter motor and all the other essentials like oil/fuel filter etc at a cost of little over £600 but when I got it back it was running fine for the first day apart from a noisy bearing on the cam belt until the next day it started to pour out smoke again!

I was told by the mechanic that carried out the work that it needed to be driven more to clear out the system however my MOT had run out and I had no chance take it on a long drive to clear it out. All I have done is drove it for roughly 40miles and left it running stationary for a couple of hours and I still have the same problem I have also be told that maybe it could need some new valve seals but now I have given up spending money on this car so I just ended up getting a new car instead.

Engine runs ok apart from the smoke & electric’s work as per usual.

I have declared it SORN so I could claim the TAX back on it.

The Only BAD bits minus the smoke is a slightly cracked rear light at top passenger side and broken Side light repeater on drivers side (I have a black set to put on) It has no stereo installed but I have the standard one.

I Have the Log book and owner’s manual + 2 Keys

Car will need to be trailered or properly towed away

I reserve the right to end the auction early as it is advertised else where

Will only Accept Cash on Collection

Can take additional pictures of anything etc on request

The Car is located in Grays, Essex 10 minutes from the Dartford crossing

I Would also like to add a video that shows the problem you can view it here

Also note that the car drives fine with no loss of power so im sure that its not the piston rings.

I am taking offers through email and phone and am willing to end it early, if the price is right.

Questions & Viewings Welcome
Please ring Lee on 07930500667 Between 1:30 and 10PM
Or Send an Email to

The car is also on eBay and the title is Vauxhall Corsa Sport 1.6 98 Reg EXHAUST SMOKING

[Edited on 10-10-2009 by triggz]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa Sport 1.6 R reg SMOKING EXHAUST 24 database queries in 0.0100820 seconds