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Author Fitting Omega Variable Speed Wiper Stalk
Premium Member

Registered: 28th Aug 99
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19th Oct 09 at 22:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tutorial on how to fit Omega variable speed wiper stalk

Remove the cowling from around the steering column (3 screws underneath and 2 behind the steering wheel) and remove the corsa wiper stalk.

Looking at the back of the wiper stalk, you need to locate the positive wire.

To do this, pop the wiper stalk onto the intermittent wiper setting and turn the ignition on.

this wire will be the yellow/black one - far left in the below picture

Then get the Omega wiper stalk. There are various ones of these.

Omega saloon - front wipe, no rear wipe

Omega estate - front wipe, rear wipe

Some Omega's (V6 i think) come with the computer screens which can be set from the wiper stalk

The wiper stalk has an additional plug on it with wires going into it and out the other side. From this you need the yellow/black and black/white wires (the V6 one has more wires on it than the one i used, but locating the y/b and b/w wires the same will be fine)

Strip these two wires down so they can be soldered in

The positive wire in the Corsa plug (yellow/black wire located above) needs to be cut to allow the omega wires to be soldered in, making a circuit.

Tidy it all up

Refit it

Next, you also need the relay out of the Omega.
This is located in the fuse box under the bonnet on the Omega, its bright yellow (90494187)

Corsa wiper relay location

Corsa relay (black) Omega relay (yellow)

Omega relay in place

Job done. This now allows for the intermittent wipers to be changed to run from intervals of 3.9 seconds to 12.5 seconds.

[Submitted by Haimsey]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Tutorials & FAQ » Electrics » Fitting Omega Variable Speed Wiper Stalk 23 database queries in 0.0108960 seconds