adam 1.4 sport
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
Location: luton
User status: Offline
Hi guys i 2 things i need help with
1.... for some reason my heating wont get hot at all and on both side off floor its damp
2.....on my c20let corsa was driving and the dv vacuum pipe was dis connect (wasnt working) and my car over heated big time could this have been todo with that ? there was smoke poreing out off the bonnet but my temp said 95 ?
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
User status: Offline
water temp has nothing to do with dump valve pipe no.
if you have water inside the car perhaps the heater matrix is leaking?
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: Sanquhar, Dumfries and Galloway
User status: Offline
Smoke or Steam?
adam 1.4 sport
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
Location: luton
User status: Offline
just steam mate..... and when car hits boost it misfires.... rotor arm ?
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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heater matrix gone
and sounds likes it over heating
adam 1.4 sport
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
Location: luton
User status: Offline
are heather matrix easy to fit ?
and why would it miss fire on boost ? rotor arm ?
Registered: 13th Jan 07
Location: Bradford Drives: LET Vectra B
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quote: Originally posted by adam 1.4 sport
are heather matrix easy to fit ?
and why would it miss fire on boost ? rotor arm ?
Could miss on boost if the spark plugs weren't gapped properly or if they were fucked.
adam 1.4 sport
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
Location: luton
User status: Offline
whats gap do you recomend