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Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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some kid trying to get e-points for his e-ego?
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I've noticed things similar, shooting people and it won't register it, then in kill cam it appears you don't hit them, but that theory posted is BS until proven, it could be down to so many other things.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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Aye I've noticed something similar too. I can be on a murderous streak, then I'll shoot at someone, but I die Then on killcam it seems he fires one round. I will still put it down to lag until concrete evidence is shown. Because if it evened things up, then how can it explain me and a couple of other CS'ers always sitting at the top of the scores?
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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on all honesty this has crossed my mind before, its like if i have killed someone 2 or 3 times in a row il see them a third time and i shoot them exactly the same and the bullets just dont seem to kill them and they manage to turn around and get me back?
or i have been doing really bad and it drops me an ac130 or pavelow, then when i am absolutely flying it only ever gives me UAV or counter UAV. i think its a very plausible theory.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
on all honesty this has crossed my mind before, its like if i have killed someone 2 or 3 times in a row il see them a third time and i shoot them exactly the same and the bullets just dont seem to kill them and they manage to turn around and get me back?
or i have been doing really bad and it drops me an ac130 or pavelow, then when i am absolutely flying it only ever gives me UAV or counter UAV. i think its a very plausible theory.
Omfg that's what I said the other day! I went on a streak of games where I got Ammo and Counter UAV But ever since unlocking the last kill streak (coincidentally, the CUAV), things have went back to normal. I think it's down to sods law. Me and you were FLYING on Skidrow last night, but still both got AC130's and that's when we were the top two killers
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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thats what i mean eck it just does seem that when you are flying it then seems to be biased towards the enemy. SAYING that, people have not taken into consideration that on the new mw2 there is that extended life thing when u die 4 times in a row, so enemies WILL in cases be harder to kill when u have killed them a couple of times.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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The thing is, you can tell when they have painkiller on. Because when you shoot them, a pill appears above their head. But regardless of the Painkiller, just a gentle tap on L1 and R1 when the 18's are out takes them down
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by Eck
The thing is, you can tell when they have painkiller on. Because when you shoot them, a pill appears above their head. But regardless of the Painkiller, just a gentle tap on L1 and R1 when the 18's are out takes them down
oh my god that made me laugh if i could wear a viking costume on mw2 and use the 1887's i would be made.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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I burst out laughing every time too It's just the sheer size of them! You just know someone's in for pain
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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also, it seems wrong to be running about a modern airport on temrinal with ye olde shotguns like from like 100 years ago. I think i might change my psn name to sean bean and pretend i am the modern day sharpe

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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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Aye, folk are running about with ACR's and SCAR H's... With Thermal Site's and Heartbeat sensors... When we have Wild Western Shotty's
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Numerous occasions I've seen someone run round a corner towards me, I start shooting at them, aiming at the head before they even aim at me and the bullets are hitting yet they kill me in about 2 shots to the chest.
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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I will reserve judgement untill I see the code.
I think it is just lag and people playing shit
Registered: 9th Dec 05
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quote: Originally posted by Doug
I will reserve judgement untill I see the code.
I think it is just lag and people playing shit
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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i think its true, every now and again i go on a mad kill streak and im really shit
Registered: 13th Oct 04
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but ive got mates who are shit and just play shit in general only once have I seen him have a 12-8 and I was amazed.. 
they aint no cure for his shitnes
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
on all honesty this has crossed my mind before, its like if i have killed someone 2 or 3 times in a row il see them a third time and i shoot them exactly the same and the bullets just dont seem to kill them and they manage to turn around and get me back?
or i have been doing really bad and it drops me an ac130 or pavelow, then when i am absolutely flying it only ever gives me UAV or counter UAV. i think its a very plausible theory.
absolutely agree pal.
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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IF this is true then it might send Angry postal
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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well tonights playing backs it up for me. there are too many moments when on a mad killstreak people respawn directly behind you in random places. ive been watching the kill cams. its rediculous at times where people get spawned.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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I had times where I'd die 5 and 6 times at once after going on good killstreaks
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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to add further thought. i played both world at war and modern warfare. neither suffer the same issues. just because i killed 3 people in a row didnt make all 3 of them respawn rigt next to me. ive said this since the begining of mw2 that there is just something dodgy about the way online goes for some people.
i dont think this exe file is true, maybe its something else. maybe people all of a sudden become invincible for no reason.
dare i actually say it, but its not as good as the last 2.
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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The respawning is definitely a bit dodgy. The amount of times ive spawned not far away from the person who just killed me and vice versa is silly.
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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I dont know which side of the fence to sit on on this issue really, sometimes like earlier I will have several games where I own everything, even if they do spawn next to me I instinctively look and kill them again, whereas in other games like has been said I cant get a kill in edgeways, its really strange
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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earlier on, i couldnt shoot anyone. yet on my screen i was laying bullets in and hitting them with most. one person had their back to me, i took 3-4 shots all direct hits to the head. didnt kill them. they turned round while i was still shooting, and 2 shots and i was down. i mus have hit them with 8 bullets before they fired 2 and killed me.