x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
been on here for a while so forght i'd give a build thread ago i got the car back in october 2006 needing some lil bits sorting out got it from cramlington so sent mum n dad off to pick it up for me
i didnt start drivin it till a year later when i said good bye to old norman he was just a 1.2 8v 4 door nova that was a true worrior done anything you wanted to
and hello unnamed corsa
it was a 2000 1.4 16v sport with a set of tsw's
that is how it arrived home then after a while i spumked £100 quid on a induction kit after driving bout thinking i was the bollocks but in a couple months i took it off and deristricted the air box
then couple months later the engine died on my way back from a friends house the conrod went through the block, 200 quid late my dad went and got me a replacement 1.4 engine and i lent a hand taking the old one out n chucking the new one in after few cups teas loads swearing cuts and a not to happy father we got it back it this is the start of my dad hate for corsas
few months driving around returning back to college after lunch and some dappy bitch pulled out on me squashing the car again her 4x4 and the crub, resulting in the insurance writing my car off due to her bending the chassie , so i brought back the salvage back and got it fixed for under 400 quid all that was needed was the chassie to be jigged new wishbone suspension
when it was all back on the road i treated my self to a set of 40mm springs n lower it a bit
when it was lowered i just enjoyed it for few months then i purchased a ashley back box

day after i fitted the back the middle section fell apart so replaced it with standard section
then one night noticed a set of cesaro's that was fairly local to me so forght i would have a bid and ended up gettin them 150
they got left in the garage until i went for an mot and found out the rear wheel had a flat spot on the rim so went home and swaped them over for the cesaro's and passed the mot
then year later my insurance money come through so i treated my self to the fk front coilovers and fixed 60mm rear off supernovas
when i got it all fitted i was happy has i could be with it
then i brought some valo depo's off ebay but when i got them i had to re glue them due to the twat i got them off not doing the the correct way 1st time round
another few more months down the line around april march time i wanted bright wheels so i gave it a bash i didnt no nothingabout sparying things so the ended up going bit shite
i should of used a white base coat first i no

that is what they come out like

this is what it went to pvs 09 like
went u to pvs thinking it was alright and didnt look to bad until i noticed couple of over cars and theres was brighter so forght id give them ago again when the weather dried up
but before i was going to do them me and the girlfriend went to the beach has it was nice day car was running great till last leg of the journey bout mile away from my house comeing off the motorway the cambelt went and bent the vavles so got it recovered unlucky for me my dad was going away to spain the next day so i had to wait 3weeks to get it back so in the mean time, the weather was lovely and hot and i had a free few days so i forght id redo my wheels
all was going well, then i found a couple sare bits

i was quite proud with the out come baring in mind the last time
but then on the last 3 the paint wouldnt come out so i gave up
but then good old sister came to the rescue saying she nos a guy who owns his wheels refreb company called rim tec so off i went over to see him n get a price and it was my lucky day he said he could strip the down for 40 quid then has he had some yellow layin around he powder coated them for me
so few dohnuts n case beers and 40 quid later i had the car looking just how i wanted it to

then mum n dad was home and we sorted the engine out after pricing it all up and talking and agreeing to do lot more work on this one to help dad i got the yes to getting 1600 out of a mk3 astra the x16xel engine it was bit of a bargin i think 200 quid it had 44thousand miles and used to be owned by a old man the bloke also chucked in a tigra ecu chi and transponder for 30 quid
so once it was all in and running smooth as a babys bum i had a massive smile on my face like a kid at christmas but that was soon a pissed off face due to losin the chip in the garage so i just ran it on the 1.4 ecu but it now has a 1.6 thanks to phil fcuk
ive also added tigra scuttle and clocks next on the list will be to sort the lil bit rust out on the boot (maybe semi smooth) and the bonnet (might get it extended) i got a cavalier anti roll bar to go on just got to get it owder coated to match the wheels then might remove the back seats get a centre section and strut braces
thanks for reading i will up date more when i get more bits for it it wont be as fast of a project or as good as some but it will be built for me but comments and ideas welcome
cheers ryan
[Edited on 30-01-2010 by x14xe ry]
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
think u've done a good job bud considering all the work u've been through lol
looks smart 
definetly needs a front splitter though lol
also, think i remember seein it at pvs 
[Edited on 29-01-2010 by scaron5188]
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
cheers mate i no it been one thing after another but touchwood its going good now thank god lol
yeah im looking at different ones but i got an idea im going to try with another bumper
i was down in the mud path i only went on the sunday i might try and make it the whole weekend this time
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
nightmare isnt it, i ve had troubles with mine to lol 1st off cambelt tensioner popped its bearings lol then paid a mate to fix it on the cheap at vauxhall then 5 weeks later head went so me n my mate put another engine in lol then someone crashed into me 3 weeks before pvs . . . least to say io was not happy lol. but luckily just had to replace light and crash panel behind bumper, few scuff to the bumper tho lol.
and now its been sat for six weeks in need og a new water pump mand cambelt kit as i dont wana risk driving it, due to the water pump bearings, need funds 
fair do's mate
haha, i stayed whole weekend and loved it, mud was a bit but fun was a very fun weekend with my mates and the corsasport lads
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
yeah i no what you mean mate my dad keeps telling me to sell but i like it there nothin else out there i can aford due to only workin 20 hours week in suermarket but i understand now the car 10 years old the actal car done well 100 thousand things are going to go wrong i just gota fix it till i find something else we must enjoy or we wouldnt have cars like this lol
yeah better to be safe than sorry son or it'll prob end up costing more
yeah i done usc with couple mates that was good weekend the onlt trouble all my mates own different cars so they norm do there shows n i do mine sorta thing but might talk couple of them into it this year
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
yea definetly mate, cant be doin with more fucked valves and pistons lol
wicked, yea a couple fo my mates who dont have vauxhalls came to so was all good
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
yeah my dad dreds me ringing home now lol least i wont forget this car
yeah ill twist there arm hopefully few beers sure they'll come
when do you think youll have your car back
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
haha wicked
yea has to be done mate. me n my friends took a fair few crates lol
hopefully before the 1st castle combe show in april and definetly before pvs, has to be lol but a bit of a nightmare really cos goin snowboardin end of march then cuba for the missus bro's wedding end of june, so monaeys tight.
bummer really cos i wanted it to look different for this years show seasons, hopefulyy be able to change a few things
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
i'd be happy with the hoildays lol bloody hell aint beenn away for bout year need a proper job before i can think of a holiday
i might pop down to combe if i can aford it
yeah what did you have it mind?
i duno weather to get my over wheels sorted or get mine redo a different colour were have to see
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
haha yea i will love the holidays but not the cost lol
yea go for it man, can always crash at mine if u came up early, i live 5 mins away from the circuit lol 
for my car?
1st off new wheels, then a few things to the bodywork then redtop of get a new car haha. but stuff i want doin in bodyshop wouldnt be cheap 
what were your other wheels? i love cesaros
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
yeah ill keep that in mind mate
klkl you going for the euro look still?
yeah id like a redtop but i duno if it'll happen have to see how things go
the ones in the first pic the sliver ones
yeah i like them not many over vauxhall wheels i like on corsa's
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
yea i am bud. goin for summit wider now, bit of dish.
yea same with me to be honest.
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
i couldnt be trusted with expensive wheels lol what colour you going for plain sliver or bit colour coding
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
has much i loved this car this is how far the project will be going as the car died last night its a sad time as i was realy looking foward to making this a nice car for me but one ends a new 1 starts r.i.p marmite lol i my be spilting soon ill keep it updated
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
bump the car now being broke for spares in parts offered
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
bad times dude.
and just goiong for silver probably, think of goin colour coded and a bit of smoothing with the body work
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
i no im hating selling bits feels like part of me going had so many good times with this car its hurtin to brake it
sounds good no doubt it'll look nice mate ill keep an eye on it project thread