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Author Weight!!

Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
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18th Feb 10 at 09:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

For the last couple of weeks ive been stuck on ive been at the gym about 7 weeks and my muscles have got bigger, my chest sticks out more and my biceps are massive compared to when I started.

But why arnt I putting on more mass? If my muscles are getting bigger and they weigh more than fat why arnt I at like 83-85kg by now? Ive been eating lots of carbs and protein..and constantly been upping my lifting weight, when I started I coud bench 40kg now im benching 75kg quite easy.

I havent been taking supplements for the past 4 weeks as I ran out so will get back on it when I get paid..but my diet is still rich with protein and carbs.

Registered: 13th Dec 09
Location: scunthorpe
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18th Feb 10 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you want to get bigger you shouldnt think about your weight. and even if you you have been doing ti for 7 weeks and you cant see a difference from 40kg to 75on a bench press is a good progression keep it up , maby even take supliments if you want to get big your probably not putting weight on because you still burning fat off .

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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18th Feb 10 at 11:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bench press is a crap exercise for adding mass, if you use it - use it to finish off a chest workout and not as your basis.

Plus your chest, shoulders and triceps are fairly small muscles. so adding an inch to them all could only total a kilo or 2 in scale weight that could balance out a kilo or 2 of fat loss.

The biggest muscle group in your body is your legs, so if you want to see your scale weight rocket, train your legs 2-3 times a week and make squats and deadlifts your staple exercises.

Also, its worth noting that your average body is made up of around 30% muscle, so if you weigh about 80kg, then you have about 22kg of muscle. average person stops growing at around 20-22 years old, so your body has added around a kilo of muscle a year to your frame on average. So for you to ask it to build more, you cant expect it to make loads more overnight!

General rule of thumb is that training naturally, with a perfect training programme and perfect diet, the average person with average genetics will ad a maximum of 1.5-2lbs of muscle per 4 weeks. so for somone who is doing it recreationally. 1-1.5lbs of muscle per 4 weeks is good gains.

Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
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18th Feb 10 at 11:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well when I train chest and arms I do flat bench and incline bench, also not sure on name but use the machine where your sitting up right and you push the weight out and up, dips and use the one where the bar hangs above you and I lean back slightly and pull it down to chest.

Whats exercies do you advice?

Oh and I train arms seperatly aswell using free weights, doing curls.

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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18th Feb 10 at 12:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well for a start, lat pulldown is a back exercise, and dips are a tricep exercise.

Good chest workout for adding overall chest mass is:

Decline Dumbell press 4 x 6
Incline Dumbell press 4 x 6
Barbell bench press 3 x 12
Chest fly on machine or with DB 3 x 12

Id also do shoulders on the same day too, so perhaps:

Seated palms facing grip DB shoulder press 4 x 6
Standing military press 4 x 6
Front raises 3 x 12
lateral raises 3 x 12

As for arms:

Alternating DB curl 4 x 10 going up in ascending weight each set
barbell curl 4 x 8
hammer curl 4 x 8
overhand barbell curl 4 x 8

Underhand grip pulldown 4 x 8
Vbar pusdown 4 x 8
overhead rope pull 4 x 8
rope pushdown 4 x 8

Sounds like a lot, but can do chest and shoulders in under an hour and arms in under 45 mins.

thats bodybuilding style anyway, purely training to add mass. If you want to train for strength, you would need to use powerlifting protocols and exercises more.

Registered: 20th Jun 06
Location: Rainham, Essex Drives: A3 2.0TDi Sport
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18th Feb 10 at 13:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't forget to do your back though or you will get imbalance like i have (shoulders are pulled forward) because i used to just care about my chest.

Mainly doing back and shoulders now to try and line everything up again.

Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
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18th Feb 10 at 13:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeh I do deadlifts, front grip facing pullups, and use other machines that work your back.

Deadlifting is soo good you find it improves your posture too.

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