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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Apparently the Intel Core i5 650 has a graphics controller built into the CPU?
Presumably it uses system RAM to allocate as video RAM, right? How much of this does it use? I can't seem to find any information on this, even on Intel's own website. 
Just doing a spec for my next PC build and wasn't sure how the above works (and whether to still have a separate graphics card or not).
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Registered: 11th Apr 04
Location: Hammersmith
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im not sure you right, i would of thought the northbridge chipset would handle the onboard gfx.
What your looking at there is just the CPU on its own and not the motherboard chipset.
Registered: 11th Apr 04
Location: Hammersmith
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ok ignore me, the site says integrated. Is that mistake?
Also would depend on the motherboards threshold. Some of the new ones can use up to 1gb. I beleive there is a way of throttling the amount used though, which would be quite handy.
[Edited on 29-03-2010 by Reedy]
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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The i5 series (530 - 750) have an Intergrated Graphics Processor, however you need to use a H55 chipset motherboard to use the IGP otherwise a P55 (etc) chipset motherboard will still require a dedicated graphics card. And yes it uses system ram, which iirc you can adjust in the BIOS. It's aimed at desktop/HTPC (onboard HD decoder/encoder) users rather than gamers.
Few links -
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Yeah I have spec'd up a PC with a H55 chipset motherboard, I just wasn't sure how much RAM I could make available to the graphics processor.
Thanks for the replies