Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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My wheel was actually stuck to the hub today, I only took it off because its been 'ticking' going round corners, I was there for about 15 minutes prizing it off slowly and it came off with many bangs on the back off the tyre to get it off and lots of moving it but now its solved the ticking now ive had it off?
Anyone got any ideas?
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Registered: 15th Jul 09
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have you painted the wheels?
Project Scarlett - http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/viewthread.php?tid=661417
Registered: 1st May 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: 200SX S14a
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should put copper grease on the mating face
Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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no not painted the wheels and thats a good idea lol, dont have any at the moment though!
I did think that it might be to do with copper grease but never thought to put it on
Registered: 31st Jan 10
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If you over torque the wheel studs, then this can happen, did you perhaps put anti theft studs on recently? The packs usually warn against over tightening. Perhaps you had a puncture repaired recently with an over zealous use of an air gun, this can cause a wheel to stick as well.
arizona ste
Registered: 15th Jan 10
Location: Delves, County Durham
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probably just the rust keeping it all together mate just get a placka hammer or somethign and tap them off rotate the wheel aswel so you dont bash in 1 place and comes off more or less easy and when you put your wheels back on wire brush the hub and a bit of copper grease will make it easier next time around
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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if in doubt give it a clout ..... with a rubber hammer of something
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Registered: 22nd Feb 05
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After market alloys? Without plastic spigpot rings?
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 12th Dec 07
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Tends to happen to alloy wheels, with heating and cooling down the metal face tends to fuse slightly which causes the wheel to stick on.
Plenty of copper grease will do it
Registered: 17th Feb 08
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normally wot i do once ive taken the wheel nuts out kick one side of the tyre them the other and it could work its way off but if not do wot kristof1989 said
Registered: 31st May 09
Location: sidcup, kent
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its electrolysis (speeling) between the alloy and the steel of the hub, as the guys have said wire brsyh the hub and the wheel and pleanty if copper grease