Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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I dont have a x box but my little bro has been carrying on about one of these for ages now, his mates have tem and now wants one himself.
Are they just some cheap shit mod that will break in a week, or are they actually worth getting, baring in mind he is on cod 24/7
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loads on ebay mate
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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u2u luke s he has made some for doug
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They're expensive for what they are imo.
Nic Barnes
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just play properly. its more fun than needing to cheat.
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What is the mod? What does it achieve?
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quote: Originally posted by Nismo
What is the mod? What does it achieve?
whats is said mod~?
Registered: 25th Nov 07
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turbo controller? makes no difference unless you use the fal constantly. Just tell him to learn to shoot quickly.
Registered: 27th Oct 03
Location: Marbella,Spain Drives: C63
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quickfire presses button loads of times when u press it once
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Have a look here at the Wildfire controllers Argos sell, they have rapidfire on them and are a cheaper alternative. They're spoken well of on the gaming forums.
You can also get the kit on ebay for a fiver that you have to solder yourself and it makes it so you use the sync button to cycle through modes.
The daddies are the Viking controller and they're £100+
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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If you need a mod'd controller, you must seriously suck at the game and my advice would be to GTF and play something else.
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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its not that he needs to cheat, its just a thing all the kids are buying
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
Have a look here at the Wildfire controllers Argos sell, they have rapidfire on them and are a cheaper alternative. They're spoken well of on the gaming forums.
You can also get the kit on ebay for a fiver that you have to solder yourself and it makes it so you use the sync button to cycle through modes.
The daddies are the Viking controller and they're £100+
do you know how these wildfire ones comapre to these modded controllers speed wise.
Its rediculous, i dont understand, hes really good at it anyway but its like a craze at school at the moment , they have to have one of these controllers. £40 just seems silly to shoot bullets quicker, but they go round telling you these facts like you cant shoot 20 shots per second on the highest mode 
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by Bullet Proof SRi
its not that he needs to cheat, its just a thing all the kids are buying
They wanna ruin the game for everyone else? Its these kids that have ruined CoD coz all they do is cheat, glitch and mod.
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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i know i dont get it, especially when your good at it anyway, its cool to shoot fast though apparently.
Im well out of touch tbh, i dont play it online, so i know no cheats, glitches or anything 
[Edited on 03-05-2010 by Bullet Proof SRi]
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quote: Originally posted by Bullet Proof SRi
do you know how these wildfire ones comapre to these modded controllers speed wise.
Not much difference IMO, not to warrant the massive amount in extra cost for an alternative. I presume it's for MW2...
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Can you run out of ammo on COD?
Nic Barnes
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Registered: 11th Aug 02
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So, with these controllers aren't you running the risk of wasting ammo by having this feature?
[Edited on 03-05-2010 by Marc]
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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With spawn of duty its rare that you live long enough to run out..
I expect X Glitch s will beg to differ
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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yeah its for MW2, think he wants o use it on others though, i just cant see the point to be honest just one of these gimmicky things that catches on i supose, just another thing to get the kids hooked and get money from the parrents
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Jesus H this COD Shit really is serious business in some peoples lives isnt it?
Where is that "dont worry sir im from the internet" pic when you need it
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This is the reason COD is so wank, what is the point in cheating?
Registered: 14th Sep 04
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I don't understand the need for this.
I wouldnt class myself as a COD pro, MW2 is the first i've played yet everygame i play is in the region of 30-5, its not rocket science.
Even if the 'fire' trigger goes at a million times a second it won't make any difference against decent players as its all about the reaction time of the aim button and the movement of the crosshairs to the target.
It's very rare that i get killed from in front/side as i play with sensitivity 10 and aim accurately in a split second. My deaths are usually by campers or people coming up from behind, which if your quick enough you can still turn an kill them before they kill you.
[Edited on 04-05-2010 by CorsAsh-Sport]