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Author Nocking noise

Registered: 15th Feb 10
Location: Cupar, Fife
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28th Jun 10 at 17:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Right, I took my 1.2 sxi corsa c to the vauxhall dealer where I stay for an MOT. It failed first time on a headlamp being to high and my track rod end was loose. So I fixed them up and got a resit. But when I drove my car later there was a nocking noise coming from underneith the car. It only happens when I'm not on the acelorator or brake. So when I'm freewheeling the noise occurs.
Any ideas on what this could be? And if there's a problem could I claim vauxhall broke my car? Because money is short this month.

Any help is apreciated.

Thanks in advance

Registered: 2nd Mar 09
Location: Yeadon, West Yorkshire
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28th Jun 10 at 17:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is it when you go over bumps?

And before you start getting quite offensive saying if theres a problem could i claim vauxhall broke my car, i suggest you figure out the problem, and considering YOU(Yourself) did the work to your car and not the dealer, i wouldn't try and defend yourself, Not trying to be nasty there but that's fact. Also does it happen when you go over bumps or is it there like all the time as your freewheeling? Does it do it in all gears? When you turn the wheel etc? Little more description.

Registered: 15th Feb 10
Location: Cupar, Fife
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28th Jun 10 at 18:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I did the work and drove almost 50 miles with no bother.
All gears at any speed makes the clunking noise. It doesn't do it going over bumps, it's only when it is freewheeling. When I turn the wheel it doesn't make a noise unless I'm freewheeling. I started the car after parking and when I started to move the car made a horrible noise. It was a grinding sort of noise. Similar to a gear crunch. But the gear was already in. I had a word with my dad and he thinks it's possibly the cv joint as when the vauxhall folk carry out their mot they push and pull parts to make sure there's no play/broken parts to it etc. Thanks for the help mate

Registered: 15th Feb 10
Location: Cupar, Fife
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28th Jun 10 at 18:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I just want to make it clear that I fixed the track rod end About a week ago and took it for it's MOT today and it passed. My first post wasn't clear on this part.

Registered: 2nd Mar 09
Location: Yeadon, West Yorkshire
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28th Jun 10 at 21:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hmm, what corsa is it? Corsa c or b? If it's c it could quite possibly be the CV boot as they often go on them. However i very much doubt they damaged it at the garage unless their being very heavy handed... You do prod and poke around when servicing but in all honesty you don't look inside the boot or poke it nastily you just move the plastic bits on the c.v boot side to side to see if it's split and if any fluids leaking out.. So like i said unless their swinging from your suspension arms or drive shafts i very much doubt they could of damaged it. Things do happen from time to time with cars that do go wrong, if it's a CV joint it's more than likely just co-incidence it's broken now.. If that helps? However if it's crunching it sounds something like the gear selector linkage might not be right, but i could be totally wrong, i'm only an apprentice ha.

Registered: 15th Feb 10
Location: Cupar, Fife
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28th Jun 10 at 21:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's a corsa c. It's going into the garage on Wednesday to get the tracking done since the track rod end has been replaced so I shall get them to have a wee squint at it. Thanks for your help SnK. I think it's about time the corsa was sold tbh :-/

Registered: 2nd Mar 09
Location: Yeadon, West Yorkshire
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28th Jun 10 at 21:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In that case yeh it sounds like it could be a C.V joint/boot as they go very often on corsa c'. Ah yeh, good call. Their not bad cars but they have a few problems, like any car really... And trust me, i work on lambos/ astons/ mercs/ ferraris/ bentleys, they all have problems. Just today we had a continental in wanting a service, look under car took off under-tray and the suspension arm was bent as a boomerang. And as always on the continentals the drop-links need replacing pretty much every service.. infact the suspension arm had bent inwards that much the inside of the alloy wheel was scraping on the drop link every time you turned the wheel hahah! He had a nice perfect chunk around the edge of the alloy missing.

[Edited on 28-06-2010 by SnK]

[Edited on 28-06-2010 by SnK]

Registered: 15th Feb 10
Location: Cupar, Fife
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28th Jun 10 at 21:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm jealous of your job! That would be amazing fixing expensive cars.
Will the cv boot/joint be an expensive fix?

Registered: 2nd Mar 09
Location: Yeadon, West Yorkshire
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28th Jun 10 at 21:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Trust me your really not lol. It just means you have to be even more careful working on cars because if you mess up, you mess up big! and besides im the apprentice so i get all the shit like put alloys on, take wheels off, makes us a cuppa. To be expected really ha.
Doing a clutch in the lambo gallardo today, right farce just to change a clutch ha!
It shouldn't be too expensive no. Say £28-£30 for the boot? and labour of fitting, which is usually what £70 for an hours work? so £100ish... But if your dad knows a thing or too ask him.. Or someone else in the family with knowledge.

Registered: 2nd Mar 09
Location: Yeadon, West Yorkshire
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28th Jun 10 at 21:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As said though, get it checked out definitely at the garage before you start fixing a C.V boot. Have you had a look under your car to see if you notice anything? Or jacked it up? If you move the plastic slits in the c.v boot side to side to see if it's split you'll be able to tell if it's screwed. Also Jack one side of the car up and shake the wheel side to side. So put your hands 9-3 and shake side to side. Also do up and down so 12 - 6. See if you notice any movement.

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