Registered: 24th Oct 08
Location: parkhead, Glasgow City
User status: Offline
i need too cancel my policy i cancelled the direct debit with the bank yesterday but the moneys obv been took out before i got too cancel it, basicly is it possible too phone up, cancel my policy and for them too pay the money back into my account?? really need the money
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
I wouldn't of thought so. They will charge you for canceling it too
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
User status: Offline
Depends if you've paid in advance and what there cancellation policy is.
If they need you to give 30 days notice you won't get anything, if it's instant you might get some of it back. There will be a fee though so doubt you'll get anything and possibly have to pay more yet
Premium Member
Registered: 12th Mar 07
Location: Glascote, Staffordshire
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Should be alright mate yeah. I did this on my old car. I cancelled the policy which I was paying monthly on a direct debit. They took the cancellation fee out of that months payment and refunded me the difference. Took over a week to get it sorted though. Best to ring up and ask 
[Edited on 24-09-2010 by shaunmods]
Registered: 24th Oct 08
Location: parkhead, Glasgow City
User status: Offline
yeah i thought they might charge me but surely it wont be tht much? if i say tht the cars off the road for repairs and im not driving it then surely they cant argue
Registered: 24th Oct 08
Location: parkhead, Glasgow City
User status: Offline
tried ringin them but they wont pick up!!! bastards
Registered: 24th Oct 08
Location: parkhead, Glasgow City
User status: Offline
finally got through to them, thts it cancelled it was a 43 quid charge and theyre refunding the rest of the money asap