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Author sum cool stories

Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
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26th Mar 03 at 23:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ma burd got these emailed to her, not sure if theyve been posted b4, but am postin em ne way cos theyre quite cool, and a bit sick and all true apparently

The air hostess, as she passed along the aisle of the
plane on the transatlantic flight from Amsterdam to New York
noticed that the baby, nestled between the couple who were asleep,
didn't look very well in fact it looked extremely ill. Not wanting to
disturb anyone she gently lifted up the baby and took it back to her station.
Feeling the baby's forehead, she found it was cold and with a sudden panic she
realised that the infant was dead. Calling upon a doctor she knew to be on
board, he examined the baby and confirmed that, not only was it dead, but it was
embalmed. The child's body had been hollowed out and it was full of the
drugs that the couple were trying to smuggle into the States.

A young lady is alone in her apartment. She goes to
bed with her dog on the floor beside her. In the
middle of the night, she is woken up by a strange
sound. She is alarmed, but reaches down to the dog,
who licks her hand. She is reassured and goes back to
sleep. In the morning, she finds the dog hung in the
shower. Where the dog slept, she picks up a note
which reads 'Humans can lick too,"

A woman living in the city {Salt Lake} was visiting some
friends in Ogden. When she got into her car in front of this
friend's house, she noticed that a car started up right behind her car. It
was about 20 in the morning, and there weren't any other cars on the road.
After she had driven to the highway, she began to think that this car was
following her. Some of the time he would drive up real close to her
car, but he wouldn't ever pass. She was really scared to death and kept
speeding to try to get away from him. When she got to Salt Lake, she started
stop lights to get away from him, but he would run right through them
too. So when she got to her driveway she pulled in really fast, and this guy
pulled in right behind her. She just laid on the horn, and her husband came
running out.
Just then, the guy jumped out of the car, and her husband ran over
and said, 'What the hell's goin' on here?" So he grabbed the guy, and
his wife said, "This man's followed me all the way from Ogden." The man
said, 'I followed your wife because I was going to work, and as got
into my car, I noticed when I turned my lights on, a man's head bob down
in her back seat." So the husband went over to her back-seat, opened the
door, and there was a deranged man sitting on the floor with a knife in his

Two roommates remain at their deserted college dormitory
over a holiday break. One of the girls goes out on a date
that evening, and the other one turns in and goes to bed before her
roommate returns. Later that night the sleeping girl is awakened by gurgling
and scratching noises coming from outside the hallway door. Frightened, she
locks the door and cowers inside the room until morning. When the girl
finally opens the door and ventures outside, she discovers the bloody corpse of
her roommate in the hallway. The murdered girl's throat had been slit,
and she had bled to death in the hallway while clawing at the door.


In Berlin, after World War II, money was short,
supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone
was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale
of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way
through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked
her for a favour: could she deliver the letter to the
address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so
she agreed. She started out to deliver the message,
when she turned around to see if there was anything else
the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through
the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She
went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope,
where they found heaps of human flesh for sale. And what
was in the envelope? A note saying 'This is the last one I
am sending you today,"

A male flight attendant was stopping over at Japan. He
went to a local bar where a Japanese man and woman approached
him. They chatted and had a drink, The man gave him an old traditional Japanese
The next memory the flight attendant had, was when he woke up in a bath of ice
in a hotel room with agonising pains in his stomach. He managed to pull
himself out of the bath and phone the police. He told them everything
he could remember, the policeman described the two people and the man
said that's what they were like. The policeman calmly told him to get
back into the bath and sit there till the police and ambulance had arrived,
The mans kidneys had been removed.

cool eh

[Edited on 26-03-2003 by bcocky]

Registered: 6th Jul 01
Location: Kelsall between Northwich and Chester
User status: Offline
26th Mar 03 at 23:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

wooo. cool stories. bit sick tho.

Registered: 9th Jul 02
Location: irvine, on west of scotland
User status: Offline
27th Mar 03 at 21:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 15th Jul 01
User status: Offline
27th Mar 03 at 21:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

OMFG shocking some of those.

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