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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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I needed a new mobile broadband stick for very light use (like once or twice a month when I'm out of wireless coverage and need to get to something!) after errmm.. breaking my Vodafone one yesterday ( ).
Popped into town this morning and picked up an O2 one for £5 a month, £10 for the modem, 30 day contract, 500MB - I'll see how this goes can upgrade to 1GB for a tenner.
Just as I was about to pop it into my laptop I though hold tight, the software that they provide with these things are nothing short of AWFUL! Pulled out an old spare laptop and sure as, the crap O2 installs with it (O2 Wireless Manager) interferes with your wireless and all sorts! 
I've spent the afternoon using hyperterminal (Well, PuTTY to be exact!) to pass commands to my new USB stick modem in a vien attempt to get the damn thing to work with Windows "Dial-up Networking"! Sorted it now but I just needed to rant about how crap the software that O2 and the like proivde! What happened to a driver disk and letting Windows do the rest for you! 
If anyone is interested in how I did it then I'll post up my notes that I've been writing while I've been doing it
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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Had the same problems with the O2 manager mate. The 3 connection manager isn't much better either and I used to need to reboot to get it to find a connection again and stuff.
[Edited on 06-11-2010 by loafofbrett]
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
I've sorted it this afternoon mate 
Got a "O2-UK" Dial-up networking connection now, the modem now appears as a normal modem in device manager (just an INF and CAT driver file needed) and connect to it using the inbuilt windows dial up support! Works a treat!
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
Only reason I've encountered the O2 one is because my folks moved house and BB hasn't been done yet. If it was a long term thing I'd probably be asking you for the details