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Author Gym Progress - 2.5st - 3 months
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
Location: Cheshire
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8th Nov 10 at 21:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've seen on some sites that people have Gym Progress threads etc! So i thought i'll make my own, kind of guilt trip myself into going to the gym Plus i know a few members from this site so hopefuly it will keep me on track etc!

I'm also looking for suggestions and tips etc

I weighed in yesterday at 16st7 - 105.2kg Height - 5'10 - 1.78m
BMI - 33.2 Body fat 24.4% (25.6kg body fat mass)

I plan on getting to around 14st in the next 3 months (end of Jan)

Day 1

Breakfast - Apple + Bevita Breakfast biscuits
Dinner - 2* oat so simple packets with semi skimmed milk, no sugar.
Dinner - Chicken Breast with 200g - 300g of mixed veg (carrots, peas, cauliflour)

Execercise - Back + Tri
Lat pull down 12-15 reps * 4 sets - 50-57.5kg
One Hand row 12-15 reps * 4 sets - 25kg
Sit down pully row - 12-15 reps * 4 sets - 42.5kg

Wide bar push down - 15 reps * 4 sets - 25kg
Rope push down - 15 * 4 sets - 30 kg

Also done 15 mins spinning bike and jogged to the gym and back (1.5miles round trip)

Tommorow is my off day so going for a jog with my mate who's alot fiter so normally pushes me ( 2.5 miles constant)


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9th Nov 10 at 09:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good luck

[Edited on 09-11-2010 by Minty_Fresh]
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9th Nov 10 at 15:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good luck mate

Registered: 9th May 04
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9th Nov 10 at 19:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

MEasure your waist circumference as well, good indicator as you may put some muscle on when training so weight isn't always best indicator.
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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9th Nov 10 at 20:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So my rest day today. Ate pretty well, same as yesterday but with two chicken breasts in wraps for tea. Also been out for a run around 30 mins (just over two miles) as a fat burner. So I'm hitting the gym tomorrow and hopefully keep it up.

I noticed tonight that my stamina has increased as 3 weeks ago I used to have to stop twice when running same diff and I was fine with it tonight not exactly a marathon but it all counts towards my 5k fun run next year then a 10k towards the end of the year!

Should I weigh fortnightly? Also going to get a few measurements tomorrow.

Registered: 16th Nov 08
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12th Nov 10 at 19:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Have you not thought about using any fat burners mate?
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12th Nov 10 at 20:27   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't think your eating enough personally but I'm far from professional. I'd say 5 meals a day but I'll let the experts tell me I'm wrong

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14th Nov 10 at 18:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by connollygt30
Have you not thought about using any fat burners mate?

hydrocut extreme. highly recommended!

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14th Nov 10 at 19:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dan
I don't think your eating enough personally but I'm far from professional. I'd say 5 meals a day but I'll let the experts tell me I'm wrong

Not necessarily, if he's trying to lose weight he should be trying to eat around 500 cals less than his maintenance. Obviously he has to know what his maintenance is to roughly work out what he should be eating.

Eating less, more often is generally better though as it keeps your body going throughout the day.
Tom G

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15th Nov 10 at 08:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I never really thought about fat burners, always thought they were for the middle age women who are always on a diet but eat cakes and chippy teas

Where can I find out my maintenance intake?
Tom G

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16th Nov 10 at 09:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Are Squats and dead lifts really that beneficial? They have a massive rack in my gym to do it on but no one bothers? Wouldn't mind having a go but don't fancy doing it wrong etc. Anyone got any advice?
Tom G

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19th Nov 10 at 10:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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19th Nov 10 at 11:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom G
Are Squats and dead lifts really that beneficial? They have a massive rack in my gym to do it on but no one bothers? Wouldn't mind having a go but don't fancy doing it wrong etc. Anyone got any advice?

Without a doubt!

Give "mark rippetoe how to squat" and "mark rippetoe how to deadlift" a google and watch the videos.

Just make sure you go sub/parallel when you squat

Registered: 9th May 04
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19th Nov 10 at 11:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom G
Are Squats and dead lifts really that beneficial? They have a massive rack in my gym to do it on but no one bothers? Wouldn't mind having a go but don't fancy doing it wrong etc. Anyone got any advice?

Yes definitely. Your legs are/should be a lot bigger than your other muscles. THe more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn daily (higher metabolism). So train them. It is also said that because they are larger muscles you release more muscle building related hormones so it is influencial to the rest of your muscle growth when training.

Advise would be to start with low weights and get used to the exercises, ask an instructor to go through the proper from with you and build from there. Also don't use the padding on the bar its more of an hinder than a help, if you have the bar in the right position and learn the right technique to holding it it won't hardly hurt, whereas the pad just makes it a larger surface and therefore harder to get in the right position.

have a look on the net, there are a few tips on how to practice the squat technique, try it, squats are quit tiring with no weight so it will be good practice.

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19th Nov 10 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As above. Its VERY important to train legs. Its prooven that training legs increase the release of testosterone and growth hormone meaning not only will your legs grow quicker but so will your upper body aswel as increasing metabolism therefore reduceing body fat.

Also training squats and deadlifts works your core and upper body too. ie. Your arms will grow doing deadlifts. And as Sergio Oliva said 'If you want big arms do heavy squats'.

Plus training legs is mentally hard making other exercises seem 'easier'.
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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19th Nov 10 at 18:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers for the advice everyone! I'm going for an early session tomorrow so i'll give it a crack!

I've been to to the gym 4 times so far this week! Went to a circuuit training session on tuesday so i wasnt doing heavy weights etc...I didnt think it would be that bad as its a family gym (DW/JJB), how i was wrong! Really tough! Dont think ive ever sweated like it! it consisted of a Farmers walk,Press ups, Scissor splits, Half sit ups, Military press, squat press, sitting against the wall with a plate, squats, lunges and a crouched walk with a 10kg plate over your head, probably forgot a few. Really Good!

So i though till i went to a 45 min spinning session on Thurs! Defintly a fan! I need to wear my running trainers as they have a thicker sole compared to my pumps, thought the pedal grips we're going to come through the bottom! Was a good class and really intensive!

[Edited on 19-11-2010 by Tom G]
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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2nd Dec 10 at 12:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Weighed in this morning at 15st 11lb! Which is the lightest ive been since i was about 14
I've checked my maintenance calorie intake and it says 2800 kcal, i eat probably a good 1000 under that!

Feel alot better since starting to hit the cardio! Can run further in a quicker time etc! Apparently my fat mass was 25kg so my ideal weight is around 14? So the im planning to get to 15st dead/ breaking into 14st by the new year or my birthday in Jan! Not too bad from being 21st ish last nov

Registered: 23rd Mar 09
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14th Dec 10 at 22:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well done mate! I reeeally want to loose a bit of weight as m brothers wedding is in July next year. I'm 16st 4lbs and 6ft 4" so by no means a "fatty" How did you get the motivation to push throught the first few weeks of dieting and excercise?
Tom G

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14th Dec 10 at 22:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its once you start seeing results that make you want to carry on! Make sure you do something you enjoy when training as swimming/running/weights etc or sports... Also make sure you eat right! I used too train hard but still eat shit so got a bit dis heartened with it. Once my diet was sorted and I could see some muscle growth and weight loss I was happy!

Having a routine also helped me a lot!

Registered: 3rd May 07
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15th Dec 10 at 12:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im no expert on this subject but i've been interested in the gym/nutrition for about 6 months or so now and learnt quite a lot.

Regarding your diet I think it can be improved, the biscuits you have for breakfast are over 50 calories per biscuit, how many are you having? This breakfast can be greatly improved, e.g a bowl of oats, if you don't like the taste, mix it with some jam? Or add some fruit to the oats. This will also fill you up a lot more than some biscuits and an apple.

As for Oat So Simple, im not certain on this but isn't it full of sugar? Again, a large bag of oats mixed with something will be a lot better, why not get a Chocolate flavour whey poweder to mix in with it?

I'm guessing you won't want oats twice a day anyway So for lunch, something along the lines of tuna in pitta, grilled salmon and rice, poached egg, turkey etc etc

Your dinner looks fine, also drink lots of water!

Good luck with the training and diet mate, also worth taking progress photos as well as comparing yourself to how you used to look is a great motivational tool.
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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15th Dec 10 at 19:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Joel
Im no expert on this subject but i've been interested in the gym/nutrition for about 6 months or so now and learnt quite a lot.

Regarding your diet I think it can be improved, the biscuits you have for breakfast are over 50 calories per biscuit, how many are you having? This breakfast can be greatly improved, e.g a bowl of oats, if you don't like the taste, mix it with some jam? Or add some fruit to the oats. This will also fill you up a lot more than some biscuits and an apple.

As for Oat So Simple, im not certain on this but isn't it full of sugar? Again, a large bag of oats mixed with something will be a lot better, why not get a Chocolate flavour whey poweder to mix in with it?

I'm guessing you won't want oats twice a day anyway So for lunch, something along the lines of tuna in pitta, grilled salmon and rice, poached egg, turkey etc etc

Your dinner looks fine, also drink lots of water!

Good luck with the training and diet mate, also worth taking progress photos as well as comparing yourself to how you used to look is a great motivational tool.

Just had a quick look on the packet, per 27g of which i have two for my dinner has 16.3g of carbs of which .3g is sugar. Once added to milk that goes up to 24g of carbs and 8.9g of sugars.

I've worked out my calorie intake online and i need around 3000 a day but im taking in probably 1800-2000 on my good days.

I think thats what my problem is...When im on form ive got a good diet but when im not its fucking shocking!!

I've just applied for a 10k run for may so atleast have something to aim for, also planning on the MH - survival on the fittest in Oct, so will have something to concentrate on

The breakfast is bervita breakfast biscuits "made for breakfast" i dont always have them but for my dinner i need something i can eat at my desk without cooking/warming, any ideas? I did used to have a bananabut got told these we're quite bad for you....

[Edited on 15-12-2010 by Tom G]

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