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Author PS3 properly cracked this time

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30th Dec 10 at 20:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
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30th Dec 10 at 20:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Rich H

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30th Dec 10 at 20:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Geek overload watching those vids - I don't understand any of it

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30th Dec 10 at 22:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rich H
Geek overload watching those vids - I don't understand any of it

Basically they’re able to get hold of a 'private key'/password and sign (authenticate - so the PS3 thinks its running software that has been created by Sony) packages which means they can run their own software.
However, they've stated that they aren't interested in pirating games so they haven't spent any time on cracking the GameOS (part of the PS3 that deals with running games - 3D/Sound/Physic engines, encrypting/decrypting games). Instead they've just replaced this GameOS part of the PS3 to run Linux.

Even when the GameOS side of the PS3 does get cracked open, which will be a while yet, Sony will be able to detect it blocking you from PSN - ie: what MS does with the 360.

But it does show you how flawed the PS3 is, especially the 'random' number routine
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30th Dec 10 at 22:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I fucking love you Dom you know that
Rich H

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30th Dec 10 at 22:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thank you for putting it in plain English Dom! That makes much more sense now

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30th Dec 10 at 22:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The guys that found it not being interested in pirating games doesn't really have any bearing on pirating games though.

The psgroove exploit wasn't about pirating games for all of 5 minutes.

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30th Dec 10 at 23:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also the ps3 has no system for banning, even the playstations id can be overwritten anyway so it all looks good.

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31st Dec 10 at 01:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
The guys that found it not being interested in pirating games doesn't really have any bearing on pirating games though.

The psgroove exploit wasn't about pirating games for all of 5 minutes.

True, but wasn't the homebrewed game manager (forgot the name of the app) about copying games to the HD? I don't think it allowed you to download a game and play it, iirc (probably wrong).

Reecemac - What's the deal with the PS id? If that's the case, then it seems a bit silly that Sony have no control over banning consoles.
I'm sure i read somewhere that it acts similar to what MS does with the 360- ie: MS can ban the console from their network.

Edit - One of the guys working on the Linux hack for the PS3 has a pretty decent blog,

[Edited on 31-12-2010 by Dom]

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31st Dec 10 at 02:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The backup manager allowed you to copy game to int/ext hdd and play or you could download games and place them on the hdd to play too. So far no one has been banned for jailbreaking so the rumour is that due to the ps3 being so secure there was no need for a console banning system again (only a rumour) but they brought out updates to stop people playing online (backs up the no banning) I mean if they could why didnt they? also the ps3 console ID can be changed like a jtag xbox, so if it came it a console ban just write a new ID and bang your back online.

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31st Dec 10 at 09:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why do people spend so much time 'cracking' the firmware/software on these machines? Is it for shits and giggles / personal challenge? Or is it to constantly make the companies spend more and more money fixing these 'issues' which then puts all the prices of the new-gen consoles up in the future?

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31st Dec 10 at 10:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dannymccann
Why do people spend so much time 'cracking' the firmware/software on these machines? Is it for shits and giggles / personal challenge? Or is it to constantly make the companies spend more and more money fixing these 'issues' which then puts all the prices of the new-gen consoles up in the future?

Agreed. FFS just buy some games and play on it.

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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31st Dec 10 at 10:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Say what you like about pirating games etc.. but I agree with cracking the console for a number of reasons.

Mainly and personally, I would prefer to be able to play "backed up" games, not so I can get them for free, but so I don't need to load the disks.

My console is currently in an AV install in a cupboard under the stairs, out of sight. I've spent a lot of time and money making my lounge wire free and trying to get the AV equipment to blend in and still be easy to use.

I've got a Philips Pronto that controls everything, down to the PS3 and the lighting (with plans to include the blinds and heating to this)... All my DVD's have been ripped to my NAS, so that they are instantly and simultaniously accessable in any of the rooms in the house (apart from the bathrooms, which maybe one day will have TV's in them). The DVD's have now been boxed and put in the loft out of the way.

So going back to the PS3, I would find it a great benefit to be able to back up my current selection of games (very small amount TBH) to either the internal HDD, or my NAS and play them without having to load a disc.

Your choice wether you believe me or not, but I'm not intersted in playing copied games... I only have COD MW, MW2 & BOps, DJ Hero 1 & 2, and a collection of singstar & move games for the missus.

I don't play any other games, and when I am bought games as a gift, they get given to my g/f's nephew; NFS Shift (i think), Assasins Creed (the latest one), and Medal of Honour being the latest ones... I'm simply not interested in any other games.

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31st Dec 10 at 10:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John

I can't see the link in work... can anyone sum up how the crack is done by the end user? Is it with a dongle like the previous efforts? And can it be applied and forgotten about, or is it something you have to do each time the console is booted?

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31st Dec 10 at 12:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's not done by the end user yet.

You could stick a disc in that looked like an official one so can probably be done by running code from disc, that's a guess.

People hadn't spent that much time cracking PS3's until Sony took away the other OS feature.

The properly smart guys aren't normally in it for pirating games, they do like being able to run what they want on what is quite powerful hardware, when Sony decided they'd remove linux, a feature that they had sold as part of the console, it pissed everyone off.

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31st Dec 10 at 13:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
IThe properly smart guys aren't normally in it for pirating games, they do like being able to run what they want on what is quite powerful hardware, when Sony decided they'd remove linux, a feature that they had sold as part of the console, it pissed everyone off.

I'm sure I saw a website once that showed a stack of PS3's being used as linux servers... it is a bit bad that they took away this feature from existing consoles.
andys sxi
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31st Dec 10 at 14:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have got a external hard drive with about 80 back up games on and the usb stick for sale if any one is intrested

April 08 feature car

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31st Dec 10 at 14:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by stubs
Originally posted by John
IThe properly smart guys aren't normally in it for pirating games, they do like being able to run what they want on what is quite powerful hardware, when Sony decided they'd remove linux, a feature that they had sold as part of the console, it pissed everyone off.

I'm sure I saw a website once that showed a stack of PS3's being used as linux servers... it is a bit bad that they took away this feature from existing consoles.

PS3's have been used in server clusters since they came out as it's cheap powerful processing (looksie -
But as John said, most of the hacking is due to Sony removing OtherOS from the console and it basically pissed a load of people off.
As the 'hack', basically these guys have managed to sign their own software and run it at the same level as the GameOS ('level 2' which gives them access to majority of the console, apart from the original boot loader). Currently the kernel boots from flash but linux (running Gentoo apparently) requires a NFS partition which is mounted on another system in the network, although give it time and they might be able to set up this partition on the PS3 hard drive.
They have said that they aren't interesting in the game side of things, so GameOS isn't going to be cracked/hacked by them but they have pretty much exploited the whole console and from reading a few forums it looks like it won't take much to break the GameOS to exploit games.

Reecemac - Just read about PSIDPatch, interesting that you can change it. Although it would seem that you'd need to change it to a legit ID for the console to get access to PSN.

Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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31st Dec 10 at 15:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This thread needs at GW on it. Im reading the words but not really able to process any of it into meaningful information.

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31st Dec 10 at 15:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Haven't people got anything better to do?

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31st Dec 10 at 16:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by James
Haven't people got anything better to do?

Its not like anybody who does this has a bird or anything.

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31st Dec 10 at 18:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by andys sxi
i have got a external hard drive with about 80 back up games on and the usb stick for sale if any one is intrested

Does it work with the current firmware? And does it still allow legitimate online gaming? If so, I'd be interested in the USB stick, but not the hdd

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31st Dec 10 at 18:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by stubs
Originally posted by andys sxi
i have got a external hard drive with about 80 back up games on and the usb stick for sale if any one is intrested

Does it work with the current firmware? And does it still allow legitimate online gaming? If so, I'd be interested in the USB stick, but not the hdd

Nope and Nope, this new hack should allow it in the future.
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3rd Jan 11 at 19:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its been rooted now, so untill sony bring out new hardware you can use cracked games and linux on it

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3rd Jan 11 at 19:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Any details on how to do this yet? Id like to be able to rip my legit games to my NAS for direct selection and playback and still be able to update and play online etc...

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