Registered: 2nd Nov 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
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amongst other problems with my car atm. noticed that i have oil leaking from my filler cap which means its trickling down right past the heat shield and onto the flange of the exhaust manifold. causing an unpleasant smell and smoke. anyone had this problem? its a 15 year old x14xe by the way
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Help Zone Seal
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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Is the oil breather not blocked? If it cant vent it will build pressure and force oil out of the cap.
Registered: 2nd Nov 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
AW06 i think youve got the golden ticket mate come to think of it ive changed my inlet as you might of seen and my mate re routed the cable and believe its bent. that oil breather pipe is so long though can i cut it down? am i right in thinking its one of the two thickish pipe that comes downwards out of the block. i believe the ohter is a coolant pipe?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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It comes out of the end of the rocker cover, Beside/Behind the coilpack, The smaller one should be venting to air, or ideally in a catch tank of some form.
Registered: 2nd Nov 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
yeah the one on top of the rocker cover i believe (by the ht leads) is just venting to atmosphere. but the one that drops down (near the coiplack as you said) is twisted up in a few places causing it to block which must be my problem. thanks mate.