corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
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just got a 1.4 sport corsa and has a misfire problem alos has induction kit but only geting 60 mile to a tenner is this bad or good
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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£10 at £1.20 gives you 8.3 litres
8.3 l = 1.8 gallons
60 miles using 1.8 gallons gives you 33.3mpg which is quite good, yes.
Misfire probably won't be related to the induction kit but it's generally accepted that heat soak is an issue on those engines and a performance panel in the standard airbox is a better mod.
corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
User status: Offline
i was thinking that as love the nice rasp i get with the induction kit would panels use fuel at all also do i still get the nice rasp also where i stay fuel is £1.28.9 per litre which sucks
Registered: 23rd Jun 09
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quote: Originally posted by corsa power
i was thinking that as love the nice rasp i get with the induction kit would panels use fuel at all also do i still get the nice rasp also where i stay fuel is £1.28.9 per litre which sucks
that means your doing even better mpg.
and get a standard airbox and get a performance panel filter for it will be far better.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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£1.29 gives you 7.75 litres, 1.7 gallons.
60 miles / 1.7 gallons = 35.2mpg.
[Edited on 23-01-2011 by Ian]
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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Misfire could be the coil pack breaking down.
corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
User status: Offline
cheers guys yeah corsadonk it is the coilpack just waiting on my brother geting one from his work he also geting me new leads and plugs aswell so i take it puting standard airbox with a new filter is way to go ive noticed it dont sound good without induction kit but to save fuel ill just have to deal with it
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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Leave the induction kit on, and don't rag it all the time.
corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
User status: Offline
nah its just a crappy hing anyway
Registered: 7th Oct 09
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put the airbox back on and drill the bottom, sounds much louder that way if you like induction noise
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quote: Originally posted by JaffaTB
put the airbox back on and drill the bottom
corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
User status: Offline
i would not know where to start wi that like would that not use fuel
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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If you already have an induction kit id have thought it wouldnt use any more fuel than it does now, probably use less
corsa power
Registered: 11th Oct 09
Location: arbroath,scotland
User status: Offline
dunno like but stick tenner in and light came on with just 40 mile on clock but by time parked up and got fuel next day was on 61 and still was going ill see wat get with standard box if no diff then going back on thot would get wee bit more than i was geting