Registered: 23rd Jun 10
Location: Emmer Green, Berkshire
User status: Offline
Wasssup people!
So today I was changing my front pads an noticed I had bald tyres due to dodgey camber and just general use.
I already have new wheels but need tyres. They are 15" 7" wide. you think 195/45/15 are the right choice?

Also buckled my front left wheel so need to get these ordered asap.
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
User status: Offline
What offset are the wheels? Should be stamped on the back, begins with ET then there will be a number.
Registered: 3rd Jan 07
Location: County Durham
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Nice rims
Registered: 23rd Jan 07
Location: Shropshire
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Yeah decent choice of tyre size there, or if you want slightly more stretch then the 165/50 is a good option
Registered: 23rd Jun 10
Location: Emmer Green, Berkshire
User status: Offline
What does the offset matter? Ive got camber issues on standard sport 14".
The AD Cups are et35 or 37 i think.
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 12th Jan 05
Location: Undy, Newport Drives: Skoda Octavia vRS estate
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Offset matters as the lower the offset, the further the wheels will stick out of the arches and the higher the chance or rubbing. If you get the narrower tyres so they're stretched, you're reducing that risk.
Have you tested the wheels on at all to see how they fit width wise? Has any arch work been done so far?
Registered: 23rd Jun 10
Location: Emmer Green, Berkshire
User status: Offline
Oh sorry i thought you meant on the original wheels.
Not tested them or any arch mods. They will stick out about 2.7 cm so might just sell them. Lol
Can get the arches rolled though. Ive seen people running the same offset on a corsa but ill test them this week. Only problem is i dont have tyres on them yet.