Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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So car runs, leak is fixed, car starts, however its revving its tits off
I know im misisng some bits so heres a pic

I know the plugs for this, but how many vacums go in here, i have one spare in that area

What vacumn goes here?>
My only free vacumn, reaches other side of engine, and comes from here
Ideas please, so close now 

[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
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The breather on the left goes at the bottom half of the trottle bodie, and the one missing on the right goes at the front of the trottle bodie.
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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the breather in the last pic is the same one, just shows both ends so can see where comes from mate, seems to long to go into rocker
Registered: 13th Apr 08
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What was the problem causing it not to run??
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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Well I hadnt tried starting it since the alarm, was removed (suspected problem) bar yesterday, becuase i was wiaitng for leak to start.
Today I tried again, after finding annoying leak and cuilding it all up again, and it was fine
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Registered: 12th Sep 08
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Like so...

It should defo go there mate
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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I'm confused mate, the big hose on the rocker tight side goes to where?
left one goes to where?
Becuase I have one small breather, attached to bottom of TB, but nothign else on other end
Registered: 6th Oct 07
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Cant see the pics but both breathers on the rocker go to the front of the TB next to each other
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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So where does fuel regulator(if it is that) one with the blue hose.
Where does that go
Registered: 6th Oct 07
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FPR vacuum hose goes to a small outlet normally just under the large breather on the TB
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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As far as normla breathers go does it matter which ones left and which is right?
I also dont have this pipe anywhere
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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4 connections
two on top, two underneath....going towards bottomg of engine.
Two top ones.
Blue one goes to FPR
other goes to rocker cover..

So where does the big one on rocker go?
pic of bay if it helps (excuse mess new bits going on after

Also apparently this is a LET TB, so do i need to plug the valve in the side of it?
The way I understand it is, the breather on right of the rocker two, should go into here

But it's blanked off :S
[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
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what rad fan are you using mate
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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FFS I need help not questions about my engine parts. Pm and I iwll let you know
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
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well as kizza said there are 2 breathers the large goes to the front of the throttle body and the small goes to the one on the bottom/back same as mine
and the fpr has a small rubber hose and a piece of piping that fit onto a valve at the right hand side at the top the cam cover and it plugs onto 1 of the 2 outlets on that the valve should have a red and black plug on it and thats the valve in your very top pic just went and had a look at mine

[Edited on 06-03-2011 by kylesri]
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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Cheers mate, also sorry for snapping earlier was just annoying as thought someone may ahve the answer lol I understand hoses on TB now.
I have red/ black plug on the FPR, what would happen if this was disconnected? also im unsure what you mean about vacums on it, thanks for looking any chance you could get a pic, I know its cheeky would really help though
[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
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yeh shouldnt be a problem but would have to do it tomorow as its a bit dark now if ok
wher you have the blue hose coming off that should be fitted to that valve in the top picture but your out where it fits too is broken

[Edited on 06-03-2011 by kylesri]
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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I'm so confused now, I look forward to the pics lol
ah I see now you have put pic up lol
[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
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yeh no problem il post them up early as possible tomorrow mate
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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This is whats I understand from previous posts, what you say seems to be different?
little hose on rocker > left nipple on TB
big hose on rocker > the central TB
blue hose > right nipple on TB
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
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the blue hose doesnt go on the throttle body the one fitted on my xe goes to the lower outlet on the valve mate in the pic where i stuck the arrow on but i will double check that in the morning
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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Yeah, please doubnle check, as it was there when I bought engine, and both people above said it goes there
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
User status: Offline
just had a look
small breather on left of cam cover goes to the very bottom of tb
right hand breathet goes to the top of tb
fpr goes the the left hand outlet of tb
and the right hand outlet goes to that valve in the picture

[Edited on 07-03-2011 by kylesri]
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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I dont have that many outputs mate? in pic shows how many I have, on pic I have seen on ebay, the TB has 3 connections in total?
[Edited on 06-03-2011 by Generation]
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Technician At Perrys Vauxhall Canterbury Kent
User status: Offline
have you got the right tb on yours mate might be for a let